The Survival Of Man.*
Warrnea one agrees or disagrees with Sir Oliver Lodge's conclusions, any impai tially minded man must, in our opinion, admit that the attempt to investigate the question of the......
Mn. IltoNRotes Sicily is put together in a very businesslike manner. Any one who reads it through and contrives to • Questionin g s on Criticism and Beauty. Br the Right Hon.......
31r. Balfoitr On Beauty
MR. BALFOUR'S Romanes Lecture has two advantages over most other studies in aesthetics. It contains no technicalities to bewilder an uninitiated reader, and no assumptions......
The Magazines.
SIR FRANCIS CHANNING in his paper on "Mr. Gladstone and the Crisis of 1909 " in the Nineteenth Century is chiefly concerned to prove that "the general principles of the......