"shall We Send Our Sons To The University P "
[To THE Enrroa OF THE usrmereTon."] Sin,—As an " ordinary business man," I can assure Bishop Gore that, having tried it, I would much rather take a public- school and University......
The Congo And The Powers.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR1 Sra,—I venture the following comments upon your interesting article on the Congo question in last week's Spectator. First, you say the Belgian......
The L.c.c. And Places Of Historic Interest And Natural...
[To THE ED/TOR OP THE 46 SPBCTATOB."1 SIR, — While heartily endorsing your praise in last week's issue of the good work accomplished in the past eighteen years by the National......
Girl Scouts.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE 64 SPECTATOR."J SIR, — Some weeks since you allowed me to advocate the cause of Boy Scouts in your columns. May I draw your attention to an offshoot of......