The Voyage Of The Sesame? By A. C. Curtis. (h.
Frowde and Hodder and Stoughton. 5s.)—Hunting for gold in the Arctic Circle, as depicted by Mr. Curtis, is a pursuit that does not lack for incident. And when the three......
Not Out. By Kent Carr. (s. W. Partridge And Co.
5s.)—We are safe in saying that Henry Gothard is the most unconventional head-master ever delineated in schoolboy fiction. We have known men who did not answer to the ordinary......
Dick Trawle. By W. C. Metcalfe. (s.p.c.k. 3s. 6d.)—this Is
not a very artistic piece of work. A self-made man might be as overbearing as Mr. Nalder, but he would hardly be simple enough fo take the swindling Guy Pember at his own......
Through The Heart Of Tibet. By Alexander Macdonald....
Son. 6s.)—Mr. Macdonald loses no time in introducing his readers into an atmosphere of horror and mystery. A remark- able-looking traveller who steps with a masterful air into......
Kinsman And Namesake. By R. Stead. (blackie And Son. 2s.
6d.)—This " Story of the Days of Henry IV." has to do with the troubles in the North which ended in the death of Archbishop Scrope. The King, as might be expected, does not......
The Middy Of The Btunderbore' By Lieutenant C. Gleig, R.n.
(W. and R Chambers. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Gleig has planned his new book on time-honoured lines. Pirates have done duty over and over again as a theme for boys' stories. But they never......
The Red Caps Of Lyons. By Herbert Hayens. (w. And
R. Chambers. Ss. 6d.)—This " Story of the French Revolution" is a well-executed piece of work. Nowhere, not even in Paris itself, did the great movement assume a more varied......
Swift And Sure. By Herbert Strang. (h. Frowde And Hodder
and Stoughton. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Strang has a laudable desire for the bettering of the South American Republics. Perhaps the first step may be the making English people interested in......
Well Chosen And Well Told, And The Illustrator, Mr. Maxwell
Parrish, has seconded the efforts of the two collaborators with some quite admirable pictures. We do not remember to have seen a picture more instinct with the spirit of the......
Ford Of H.m.s. Vigilant? By Staff-surgeon T. T. Jeans....
and Son. 5s.)—Mr. Jeans follows up with this volume an earlier book of naval adventure, " Mr. Midshipman Glover, R.N." Richard Ford, son of a Devonshire parson, passes out of......
The Children's King Arthur (h. Frowde And Hodder And...
is. 6d.) is a collection of stories retold from Malory and Tennyson. We could have done without Vivien and Merlin. —Various books about animals, all good in their way, have to......