Mr. E. D. Morel, who disagrees with our view ; summarises
his pohcy in a letter which we print elsewhere, and has criticised M. Renkin's scheme fully and with his usual ability in his little book, "The Future of the Congo " (Smith, Elder, and Co., ea. net). The question now, as it seems to us, is whether Congo reformers here desire to co-operate with those Belgians who want to take the present scheme for what it is worth, and turn it into soinething better, or whether they wish to denounce it as insincere, and, in effect, put a pistol to the head of the Belgian GOvernment. We ourselves think the former the more promising policy, and we notice that our view is shared by the Manchester Guardian, which has fought for reform in the Congo with exceptional ability and sincerity ; but we have, of course, left out of account the possibility of an international Conference, which might give an entirely new turn to events.