T4AST Saturday the Conference at Algeciras reached the end of its task. An agreement was arrived at on all the main points, including the bank and the police, and the text embodying the decisions was referred to a Special Committee indraw up, and will probably be signed to-day. France and Spains,will co-operate in the organisation of the police in Tinder and Casablanca ; the Western ports of Mogador, 13114.14a.z" agan, and Rabat will be organised by France alone, and Tetuan and Larache by Spain. The Inspector-General will probably be a Swiss. The bank will have four censors, appointed by the State banks of France, Germany, Britain, and'Spain; but as regards the capital, France will have three shares and the other Powers one each. The result has been reCtived with general satisfactionin Europe, and the closing days of the Conference have been remarkable for the cordiality among the delegates. .France receives what she desired, a predominant position in Morocco, and Germany may also flatter herself that she has succeeded in imposing to some extent on the Conference her principle of internationalisation. This general satisfaction is itself an achievement, for the proper issue of a Conference is that no party should feel the laser. The great result, as we pointed out last week, is that the Anglo-French entente is vindicated in the eyes of the world. The severe test to which it has been put has only strengthened and tempered its links.