Mr. Chamberlain And Chinese Labour.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Under the heading of " Mr. Chamberlain and Chinese Labour " Mr. Walker attacked our late Colonial Secretary in your last issue, and......
[to The Editor Of Trh "specta.tor:'1 Sir, —re Employment...
men, I may report that the Buxton and High Peak Golf Club have already anticipated your excellent suggestion (Spectator, March 31st) as to disabled men by appointing William......
British Settlers Fn The Transvaal.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — As a regular reader of your valuable paper, I forward you this letter explaining to some extent the reason why a certain class of......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator " ] Sir, — The Letter Of "
Foozler " in last week's Spectator, with its suggestion, interests another foozler who has often been accompanied on the links by an uneasy conscience respecting the caddies......
Children's Meals And Parents' Pockets.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE " SPIECTATOE."i Sin, —I am indeed assured that the social ideals of my friend Mr. Hookham and myself are closely allied, and therefore; "differing in......
[to The Editor Of Tiir 'spectator."] Sir, — Your...
" has raised a question which is sure to interest many golfers. However desirable it may be from the players' point of view to employ boys as caddies, few can doubt that from......
The Scottish Feuing System.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In your admirable article in last week's issue on the Taxation of Land Values (Scotland) Bill, there is one error which I think should......