Historic Dress, 1607-1800. By Elisabeth Mcclellan. (john...
is unfortunately impossible with the limited means at our disposal to do justice to this very handsome and interesting volume. It is of dress in America that Miss McClellan......
The Gambia Colony And Protectorate. By F. B. Archer. (st.
Bride's Press. 10s. net.)—This volume is the " Official Handbook " of the Gambia Colony and Protectorate. The region thus described measures, to give round figures, a hundred......
Bygone Eton, 1622 - 1905. By R. A. Austen Leigh....
Co. 21s.)—Here we have between forty and fifty picturings of Eton buildings and Eton surroundings. Some of them repre- sent houses, bridges, &c., which have entirely......
Fishing For Pleasure And Catching It. By E. Marston. (t.
Werner Laurie. 3s. 6d. net.)—" Catching pleasure "----and very little else I The comment is so obvious that so old an hand, both at angling and at writing, must have intended......
The City Of London Directory. (w. H. And L. Collingridge.
12s. 6d.)—This Directory, besides the utilities common to its class, has special merits. The information which it gives about the Livery Companies, for instance, is such as......
Catalogue Of Coins, Tokens, Medals, Dies, And Seals In The
Museum of the Royal Mint. By William John Hocking. Vol. I., "Coins and Tokens." (Darling and Son, for H.M.'s Stationery Office. 10s.)— The catalogue begins with British coins,......
In " Methuen's Standard Library" (methuen And Co., 6d. Net
each ; cloth, ls. net each) we have A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, by William Law, with an excellent preface by Canon Bigg ; The Life of Nelson, by Robert Southey......