Catalogue of Coins, Tokens, Medals, Dies, and Seals in the
Museum of the Royal Mint. By William John Hocking. Vol. I., "Coins and Tokens." (Darling and Son, for H.M.'s Stationery Office. 10s.)— The catalogue begins with British coins, dating from before the Roman invasion. The earliest of all is a degenerate stater descended from the coinage of Philip of Macedon, probably of the second century B.C. Others bear the names of Dubnovellaunos (Cantium), Cunobeline, Addedomaros. Of Anglo-Saxon coins there are one hundred and thirty-five specimens, ranging from Sceatta (655) to Harold II. (1066). The post-Conquest coins number more than three thousand. After these we have " Colonial Coins and Tokens."