It Is Difficult, After Reading The Evidence, To Doubt That
it was desirable that the officer concerned should find some sphere for his activities other than that of his Majesty's Army. What are we to say, however, of the worldly wisdom......
The April• Number Of The Hibbert Journal (williams And...
contains an article by the Bishop of Carlisle, entitled "Mr. Birrell's Choice," to which we desire to draw the special attention of our readers. It is in effect an appeal to......
"i Will Not Sacrifice," Says The Bishop, "on The Altar
of my denominational doctrine, however sacred and sub- lime to me, the spiritual hope of the nation and the religious training of hosts of children, whose only oppor- tunity of......
These Words Clearly Mean That The Government Do Not Intend
to depart from the true democratic principle. They will also, no doubt, make the franchise include all adult white males. We are, moreover, extremely glad to note that the......
On Thursday The House Was Occupied With A Discursive Debate
on the Colonial Estimates, poorly conducted by the Opposition, who seem at present to have as little grasp of Imperial as of domestic policy. An excellent maiden speech was......
The Financial Year Ended Last Saturday, And The Revenue...
show a gratifying increase. With the exception of Estate-duty, all the major branches of revenue have exceeded the Estimates. In Customs the late Chancellor of the Ex- chequer......
It Is With Great Regret That We Are Obliged To
chronicle another Guards " ragging " case, made public by the inquiry which has been held during the week into the conduct of several subalterns of the 1st Baealion of the Scots......
Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent.
Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 901.......