On Caddies.
[To TEE EDITOR OP THE "SfECTATOR: . 1 SIR, —Your correspondent who signs himself descriptively " Foozler " in last week's Spectator seems a little to foozle his argument in......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator " ] Sir, — The Letter Of "
Foozler " in last week's Spectator, with its suggestion, interests another foozler who has often been accompanied on the links by an uneasy conscience respecting the caddies......
The Bible And The Church. [to The Editor Of Tile
"SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, — Perhaps you will allow me space for a few words with reference to the article in your last issue on " The Bible and the Church." I hope I shall not be......
Letters To. Tile Editor. •
FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIANITY AND THE • EDUCATION QUESTION. [To TER EDITOR or TR. "8racreroa.1 have just read with the deepest interest the article on " Fundamental Christianity and......
[to Vita Enrros Or The "spectator. " ] Am Sure That The
great majority of the clergy of the Church of England are in full sympathy with the tenor of your article on the Bible and the Church in last week's Spectator. May I point out......