In The House Of Commons On Monday The Prime Minister
submitted various Proposals for the altiratidn of the Rules of Procedure. In moving an amendment changing the morning sitting from Friday to Wednesday, he made it clear that,......
We Regret To Report Further Native Trouble In Natal....
a chief in the Greytown district, who had been deposedsby the Natal Government and had fled with part of his tribe to the mountains, returned to his kraal, burned the huts, and......
On Friday Week Lord Elgin Announced In The House Of
Lords that, full informatiqn as to the details of the recent Court-Martial having been received from the Governor of Natal, the Government recognised that the matter was one......
On Thursday The House Was Occupied With A Discursive Debate
on the Colonial Estimates, poorly conducted by the Opposition, who seem at present to have as little grasp of Imperial as of domestic policy. An excellent maiden speech was......
On Friday Week In The House Of Commons Mr. Hudson
moved the second reading of a Trade Disputes Bill, which differed from the Government Bill introduced on the previous Wednesday in that it granted absolute immunity to a Trade-......
In The House Of Lords On Tuesday, In Reply To
a question from Lord Shuttleworth as to the age-limits for entry of Naval Cadets, Lord Tweedmouth made an interesting state- ment as to the system of selection at Osborne. In......