We regret to report further native trouble in Natal. Barubaata,
a chief in the Greytown district, who had been deposedsby the Natal Government and had fled with part of his tribe to the mountains, returned to his kraal, burned the huts, and carried away his uncle, who had been appointed Regent by the Government. He then withdrew to the moun- tains with about two hundred followers, and a considerable force of white and native police set off in pursuit. A battery of artillery and a company of light infantry were sent to Greytown to assist in the operations against him. On Wednes- day he attacked a part of the field force, killed three troopers and wounded several, and compelled the remainder to retire .• on Greytown. The incident does not seem to have any con- nection with the recent executions, tut it shows the general unrest which pervades the whole native population. The Natal Government seem to have disbanded their field force too soon, since certain ttoublesome chiefs were left unvisited, and in the case of widespread unrest discipline must be restored in every part. Reinforcements are now being organised, and the Government are said to contemplate calling out three thousand Militia. Bambaata's enterprise is a small enough raid in itself, and there seems no reason to apprehend that recruits will join him, but the affair demands instant and final treatment.