re THE EDITOR Or THE " HOTA.TOR.1 SIR, Will you allow me to draw your readers' attention to the important fact that her Majesty Queen Alexandra has shown in a practical manner her great interest in the welfare of women by contributing £100 towards the fund now being raised to procure for Bedford College for Women a freehold site and building ? All women who are desirous of seeing the facilities for women's College life extended, and the valuable work already done by Bedford College maintained and developed, as it can only be when housed in permanent and adequate premises, must hope that her Majesty's encouraging example will be largely followed, as no active steps can be taken to .the fulfilmeit ot this object until at least £50,000 has been promised as a beginning. The fund needs many contributors, but when the time comes for deciding on a site, surely one of the London landowners will be so generous as to offer some desirable ground, on exceptionally favourable terms, on which a suitable and stately building may be erected in the centre of the Metropolis of the Empire for a College open to women students from all parts
of the world. Information may be obtained from the hon. secretary of the scheme, Miss H. Busk, 1 Gordon Square, W.C., to whom contributions may be sent, or to the account of the fond, at the National Provincial Bank of England, [Those who realise the admirable work which has been, and is still being, done by Bedford College will wish success to the effort to raise an adequate building fund which Mrs. Humphry Ward describes.—ED. Spectator.]