THE "SPECTATOR" EXPERIMENTAL COMPANY. WE have received from Lord Cromer
a subscriptibn of £2 for our Militia Experiment.' The fact that one whom we may describe without the least fear of being accused of exaggera- tion as among the greatest of living Englishmen is watching our Experiment with interest and approval will, we feel sure, be a subject for sincere congratulation among all Lord Cromer's co-subscribers. Again, we are sure that the men of the Spectator Company will feel proud of encouragement from such a source, for they are fully aliVe to the fact that they are engaged in an experiment of great public importance, and are determined to do their best to render it a success and an example. Though Lord Cromer has won the great position which he occupies in the Empire and in the hearts of his felloW-countrymen by his work as a Civil Governor, it must never be forgotten that he began his official life as an Army reformer. As a young man he was closely associated with the great reforms introduced into our Army by Mr. Cardwell, under whom he acted in the capacity of private secretary. Ever since Lord Cromer has remained an Army reformer, and he has always watched any schemes for the sound development of our military forces with a lively personal interest. We have also to acknowledge a cheque for £2 from Mr. Bernard D. Rowe, of Kansas City. Though, as cur readers know, we have
sufficient money in band to carry out the Experiment, the subscriptions just noticed are by no means unwelcome. We shall have no difficulty in making good use of any addition to the funds at our disposal.