7 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 1

M. Briand, in whose cap Loearno has put a feather,

naturally remains Foreign Minister. The new Ministry, with three exceptions besides M. Caillaux, retains the old personnel. On the evening before this new Ministry was announced M. Leon Blum had promised M. Painleve the support of the Socialist Party, but when the Socialists met the next morning to draw up an official announcement about their relations with the Cartel there was a mutiny. Several of them declared that nothing would induce them to vote credits for Morocco or Syria. The Paris correspon- dent of the Times says that the Liberte greeted the new Ministry with the headline, " Here come the cut-purses ! " This, of course, was a reference to the Socialists, whose support it was supposed M. Painleve had obtained. The Action Franfaise went one better, with the headline " Stop Thief ! "