7 NOVEMBER 1925, page 3

The Morningpost Is Doing An Excellent Work In Inquiring Into

the conditions under which British horses are exported and slaughtered abroad. Last Saturday its Special Correspondent was able to report that humane methods are geneial in......

A Terrible Accident Of The Kind Which Can Seldom Occur

in this country where mountain lakes are rare happened near Conway on Monday night. Llyn Eigiau, one of the lakes in the Welsh hills, which is used as a reservoir, burst its......

The Duke Of Portland Sent A Very Timely Letter To

the Primrose League Conference at Nottingham, on Thursday, denouncing the newspaper persecution of Mr. Baldwin. He said :— " Ministers should receive the loyal and united......

The Borough Elections Which Have Taken Place All Over The

country this week have resulted in a slight advance of the Labour forces. In London Labour retained control in Poplar, Battersea,. Bermondsey, Deptford, Woolwich and Bethnal......

Mr. Baldwin Has Produced A Surprise In Choosing Mr.' Edward

Wood, the Minister of Agriculture, to succeed Lord Iteading as Viceroy of India. Lord Reading will retire next April. To us the surprise is an extremely agreeable one. . Mr.......

The Announcement Of The Postponement Of The Victory Ball...

for Armistice night has much more meaning than might appear. There comes a time in most move- ments that are guided by popular feeling when they seem to waver, and then it must......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent.

on October 1st, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 99 ift : on Thursdayweek 102f ; a year ago 100x.d., Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 86i ; on Thursday......

We Offer Our Congratulations To Our Friendly Rival The...

Review which this week celebrates its seventieth anniversary. The Saturday Review is pub- lishing messages from the Prime Minister, Lord Balfour, Mr. Thomas Hardy and many other......