7 NOVEMBER 1925, page 1

In The Chamber On Tuesday, M. Painleve Read His Declaration

of policy. Dealing first with finance he declared that the whole of the public expenditure must in future be covered by safe and permanent receipts. Not a centime must come from......

M. Briand, In Whose Cap Loearno Has Put A Feather,

naturally remains Foreign Minister. The new Ministry, with three exceptions besides M. Caillaux, retains the old personnel. On the evening before this new Ministry was announced......

News Of The Week

PAINLEVE, having got rid of M. Caillaux by causing his whole Cabinet to resign, has recon- structed his Government, but . is finding his path as diffi- cult as ever, and even......

Turning To Morocco And Syria M. Painleve Boldly Said That

the danger in Morocco was ended. The Govern- ment desired nothing more than peace, but it was for the Riffs and Jabala tribes to show whether they wanted a loyal peace in......

General Sarrail, The High Commissioner In Syria; Has Been...

General Duport, who was recently sent, to Syria to inquire into events, has taken his place. French opinion has been deeply moved by the bombardment of Damascus and indignation......

Editorial And Publd3ihno Offices 13 York Street, Covent...

W.C.2.—A Subscription to the " Spectator" costs 'Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The Postage on this issue it : Inland, lid., Foreign,......