7 NOVEMBER 1925, page 18

An Old Anglo-american Controversy

• [To the Editor.of the Sr4c-rzi:ron.] - r, am glad that you published a notice - of Professor Ephraim Adams's Great Britain and -the Arnericdn Citiil Wary in your issue of......

The Grey Squirrel

.[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The following note may, I think, be of interest to your readers. I have been interested the past few weeks in reading in your paper......


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The following epitaph- . " Beneath these stones lies Meekie's bones ; - Oh I Satan - gin ye take him, Appoint him tutor to your weans And......

Surrey And South London Prisoners' Aid Society

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—" Heaven," someone has written, " is full of Forgivers and Forgiven." I have to ask for forgiveness before I ask for help : for those I......


CURFEW Ifs pack of leaves The park throws down, And no bird pipes A joyous air ; Harsh world, bleak sky The -time draws nigh When to a change Intransigent His course must turn......

Wounded Soldiers And The Zoo

[To Cie Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm.,—The articles on the Zoo which have appeared in two recent issues of the Spectator must have been read by many Fellows of the Zoological......

The Cost Of Electrical Heat

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Our attention has been drawn to a letter by " Another Crusader," with comments by the Editor on the cost of electricity. It clearly shows......

£100 Prize For An Essay On Unemployment

AN American reader of the Spectator, Mr. Gabriel Wells, has generously offered a prize of £100 for an essay on "Unemployment : Its Cause and Remedy." The maximum length of an......