7 NOVEMBER 1925, page 39
Poetic Amusements Lampoons. By Humbert Wolfe. (berm Bros....
The Duke of Berwick. By Lord Alfred Douglas. (Seeker. 5s. net.) THOUGH it is popularly supposed that poets are melancholy animals, seekers after solitude and shades, the truth......
Mother Mother. By E. F. Benson. (hodder And Stoughton. 10s.
6d.) MR. BENSON'S book about his mother—and himself—is as interesting as it is frank. Those who have read her sons' books already know a good deal about Mrs. Benson and the......
Towards A Critique Of Science
Science, Religion, and Reality. Edited by J. Needham. (Sheldon Press. 12s. 6d.) Science, Religion, and Reality. Edited by J. Needham. (Sheldon Press. 12s. 6d.) SCIENCE tends to......