7 NOVEMBER 1925, page 2

Five Years Ago The South African Party In The Union

joined , with the Unionist Party. Their leaders, Sir Thomas Smartt and General Smuts, could not prevail upon the Nationalists to come into their hereeniging on account' of their......

The New Zealand General Election On Wednesday Resulted In A

triumph for the Reform (Government) Party. Mr. Coates, the Prime Minister, has received such a vote' of confidence as comes to few leaders. The set- back to Labour was a......

It Is Hinted That The Chinese Themselves Are More Im-

pressed by the difficulties of the condition attached to the scheme than by the unprecedented good will of the scheme itself. It must be remembered that the Peking Govern- ment......

Mr. Meighcn Can Hardly Be Anxious To Take Office Under

such very doubtful conditions, and it is expected that Mr. Mackenzie King will not resign, but find a new seat for himself, reconstruct his Cabinet and hold on in office, at any......

The Results Of The Canadian General Election Will Not...

any party there. The high Protectionists will, we regret to say, be best pleased. The most striking fact is the reduction of the Progressive Party to insignifi- cant numbers,......

General Sarrail, The High Commissioner In Syria; Has Been...

General Duport, who was recently sent, to Syria to inquire into events, has taken his place. French opinion has been deeply moved by the bombardment of Damascus and indignation......

At The Tariff Conference In Peking On Tuesday The American

delegate made proposals which, as the Times correspondent says, would have taken away the breath of Old China. Nevertheless, other delegates, including the British, French and......

The Winter Rains And The League Of Nations' Commis- Sioners

have arrived together at Mosul. The rains as ' well as the Turks are driving down into the plains of Iraq the hill-folk from beyond the " Brussels line to mingle with the......

Mr. Baldwin Has Produced A Surprise In Choosing Mr.' Edward

Wood, the Minister of Agriculture, to succeed Lord Iteading as Viceroy of India. Lord Reading will retire next April. To us the surprise is an extremely agreeable one. . Mr.......