Turning to Morocco and Syria M. Painleve boldly Said that
the danger in Morocco was ended. The Govern- ment desired nothing more than peace, but it was for the Riffs and Jabala tribes to show whether they wanted a loyal peace in conformity with the Treaties. As for Syria, " the scene of painful events," it had been suffering from the same wave -of agitation which had broken from China to Morocco. An inquiry was being held info the Syrian situation and full information would soon be given. The following debate made it clear that the negotiations between M. Painleve and the Socialists had failed. The Socialists evidently had been unable to get M. Painleve to go far enough. towards the kind of Capital Levy they desire and they refrained from voting. The Government received a little unexpected support from a split in the moderate Nationalist group, but the so-called vote of confidence was carried by only 221 votes to 189—a majority of 82.
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