7 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 1


PAINLEVE, having got rid of M. Caillaux by causing his whole Cabinet to resign, has recon- structed his Government, but .is finding his path as diffi- cult as ever, and even more obscure. As the Socialists are treating him with much coldness and have even withheld their votes it looks as though the new Ministry can have but . a short life. The alleged object in getting rid of M. Caillaux was to keep together the Cartel des Gauches, but the Cartel is not being kept together. -On Thursday, Octo- ber 29th, M. Painleve presented his new Cabinet to the President. He has himself become Minister of -Finance in place of M. Caillaux; doubling the office with that of PiiMeMinister. As Minister of Finance, however, he shares the duties with M. Georges Bonnet, who becomes Minister for the Budget. The plan is that M. Bonnet shall have charge of the administrative and fiscal services, and will conduct the Budget in the Chamber and Senate, while M. Painleve will control the Treasury and Auditor's Department. This scheme will give M. Painleve the task of deciding on all matters of credit and franc exchange.