7 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 3

The MorningPost is doing an excellent work in inquiring into

the conditions under which British horses are exported and slaughtered abroad. Last Saturday its Special Correspondent was able to report that humane methods are geneial in Belgium, but on Tuesday he reported shameful and horrible scenes in 'the French slaughter- house at' Vaugirard. The humane killer is not used. The animals to be killed frequently wade through debris from the slaughter of other horses and he notes that their terror is evident. This after the animals have been kept from one to three days in the stables and fed with " about a handful of hay and a can of water every night." The British Departmental Committee which inquired into the horse traffic discredited the statements of the R.S.P.C.A. about the Vaugirard abattoirs. After the Morning Post revelations a continued agitation will be not only justifiable bid necessary. The conditions in Belgium which were shown in the R.S.P.C.A. film may have been remedied since the film was made, as the Morning Post correspondent believes ; but the Vaugirard business is almost too horrible for description.
