7 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 37

Messrs. Methuen publish Colonels, by H. M. Bateman, with an

introduction by Captain Harry Graham. Captain Graham writes " Mr. Bateman's Colonel is, indeed, the only possible, the only perfect Colonel. We cling to him as to a last straw . . . we can only hope that the War Office is taking steps to preserve the type, and with Mr. Bateman's assistance there should be no danger of its becoming- extinct. While there are such Colopeli. as these, living their masterful (if a trifle apoplectic) lives in various suburban and country residences all over England—at Pondicherry Lodge,' Allahabad Villa,' Brahmapootra Cottage '—Britons may sleep soundly in their beds o'nights, and there is little fear of the future of our race."

Mr. Bateman has certainly drawn everyone's ideal of a Colonel and not only the Colonel himself, but his wife and daughter, with their air of sad subdued respectability, and his house with its immovable furniture and (doubtless) plum coloured hangings.