7 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 44



Daily.—Humotra, Exantrriox. At Spring Galleries, Trafalgar Square. Humorous Talks, Songs at the Piano, Lightning Sketches, &c., at 5.30. For particulars apply to Secretary, King Edward's Hospital Fund, 7 Walbrook, E.C.

November 9th, 5.30.—First of a series of 12 hi-weekly lectures on GEOLOGY AND CIVILIZATION. By W. T. Gordon," M.A. Illus- trated. At King's College, Strand.

November 10th, 5.30.—CHINF.S.E AND JAPANESE PA HITINGS by Lt.-Col. E. F. Strange. First of course of . six lectures on Far Eastern Art. At University College, Gower Street. Tickets for course f I Is. Apply to Secretary, Univeisity College.

November 11th, 5.30.—Tan EvoLuviox OF MAN. First of course of six lectures by Prof. G. -Elliot Smith and Dr. C. F. Sonntag. Illustrated. Admission by ticket. Apply enclosing stamped envelope to Secretary, University College, Gower Street.

November 12th, 5.0.—Arnmcces. By Rose Macaulay. Chair- man : Stephen Gwynn At 92 Victoria Street. Tickets 2s. 6d. each. Apply Miss W. Mayo, Six Point Croup, '92 Victoria Street, S.W.


At the Stoll, Kingaway. November 9th to 11th (continuous).—• THE LOST WORLD. A scientific expedition to South America discovers a piehistorie world ; and its monster-inhabitants are shown on the screen in a most exciting and entertaining way.

At the Shaftesbury Pavilion. November 9th to 14th (continuous.) —Tyre_ GOLDEN BED. The opulent taste of Mr. Cecil de Mile has done its worst here and the film tries to ape a revue. SEVEN CHANCES. The latest comedy of the intellectual and amusing

Buster Keaton. -

At the Marble Arch Pavilion. November 9th to 14t13.—MowrE CARLO. Betty Balfour, the most popular and vivacious of- English' film-actresses in an Anglo-French picture based on a plot by-'Mr Phillips Oppenheitn.