7 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 46


For the past three years the profits of Dalgety -4fz Co. have steadily advanced. The net profit for 1923, for example, of £324,000 compares with £254,000 in the previous year, while now for the past year there is a further increase to £361,000. The prosperity has, of course, been largely due to the abnor- mally high prices for Australian wool, but anything that is abnormal in the situation has been very clearly recognized by the Board in the conservative handing of_profits. A year ago the dividend and bonus was raised from 15 to 17 per cent., this year no increase has been made in the dividend, though £75,000 has been written off Premises as compared with £50,000 a year ago, while the carry-forward has been increased from £170,000 to £236,000. The Directors, in their Report, spoke hopefully with regard to the outlook, anticipating a small increase on last .year's.wool clip., The greater steadiness in the exchange rates following upon the adoption of the Gold Standard is also recognized in the Report.

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