14 APRIL 1860

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No question has called forth such evidence of the cross

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pur- poses between European papers, as that which is now in practice quietly closed — Savoy. The Sardinian Government has em- phatically declared that the annexation will not be...


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THE French Government has taken a step not of very great im- portance in itself, but highly important in its bearing, vindi- eating our own country as an ally. Two of the Paris...

The close of the revolutionary movement in Spain appears at

The Spectator

present amongst the most curious problems of history, and perhaps we shall be long before we arrive at an authenticated solution. General Elio appears to have been the grand...

President Buchanan has earned the lasting gratitude of the American

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republic, by nobly vindicating the highest office in the commonwealth against dangerous encroachments attempted upon it by party inp1 wIght form—that of politico* sett; I...

The state of affairs in Italy remains about as enigmatical

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as it 'vas last week, certainly not more so. To whatever part of the continent we look, we find the same influences at work, without material change ; the general course of...

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The churches which represent extreme parties, East and West, North

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and South, are in renewed commotion. This week St. George's-in-the-East has been the scene of another disgraceful esronnotion ; the Reverend Bryan King having pursued his...

It is a remarkable fact that none of her Majesty's

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Ministers attended the dinner of the Lord Mayor on Easter Monday. The Duke of Cambridge was the hero of the evening, and made a sensible speech on the condition of the Army, and...

Int tout.

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II lea keeping Easter at Windsor Castle, her Majesty departed thence, on Tuesday, for Aldershot Camp, where ehe arrived the same evening. She was accompanied by the Prince...


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The annual banquet at the Mansionhouse, on Easter Monday, was not attended by her Majesty's Ministers. The distinguished company pre- chided, however, the Duke of Cambridge, o...

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Mr. Bright made a epeech at the Lancashire Reformers' Union in the Free Trade Hall on Thursday, of which we have a summary by tele- graph. The question of the evening was the...

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The nomination for Clare County took place on Saturday ; the polling on Tuesday and Wednesday. There were two candidates, Mr. Francis Calcutt and Captain Luke White. As the...


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The Convention of Royal Burghs, which has been holding its annual sitting at Edinburgh, has, on the motion of Mr. Duncan M'Laren, adopted the following resolution :— " That the...

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fortign ant Colonial.

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Irsarr.—The Patrie and,the Pays—M. Granier de Cassagnac writing in the latter—have been asserting that England has provoked insur- rections in Sicily for the purpose of...

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It is stated that Mr. James Wilde, Q.C., is to succeed to the vacant Judgeship. At a General Court of East India Proprietoi's, held on Wednesday, Colonel Sykes, M.P., and...

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A telegram from Paris, dated yesterday, mentions, as a report,

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that the Cabinet of the Tuileries is about to address a memorandum to the Powers who signed the final act of Vienna. The aim of this memoran- dum is said to be to establish, by...


The Spectator

SATURDAY AFTERNOON. A well-informed Paris correspondent sends the following statements respecting the late Carlist insurrection in Spain. Paris ' Thursday evening. " In my...

A French mail steamer coming from Messina to Marseilles brings

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the news that severe fighting was going on there on the 8th and 9th. One of the sailors who rowed the French postal agent from the shore to the steamer was wounded. Omer Pasha...


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STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Stpck -Exchange has been chiefly occupied this week in preparations for the adjustment of the Consol account of last Wednesday, and the...

The Queen again inspected the brigades in the camp of

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Aldershot, on Thursday, and in the evening a large number of officers were her Ma- iesty's guests in the pavilion. The royal party returned yesterday morn mg to Windsor Castle....

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Trans in 14t itur.

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BANKING. Manchester, 9th April 1860. Sin—Permit me to remark on your article, headed "The Bank of Eng- land and the Discount Houses," that the column of figures under the head...


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Ir. For several years past great efforts have been made to supply to the West Indies the one element of strength and prosperity which they want, and from the want of which all...

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WILSON'S PEEL'S ACT, EXTENSION (INDIA) BILL. WE now have a tolerably oomplete account of Mr. Wilson's pro- ject for a paper currency in India, in the abstracts which have been...


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I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended March 31, 1860, compared with the corresponding...

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WILL the Congress assemble or not ? The Governments which should be parties to it seem alternately to propose such a meet- ing, and to shrink from it. Almost each one in turn,...

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ALL eyes are fixed with surprise and interest upon certain phe- nomena in the struggle which is now proceeding in Italy—the conflict between the Italian people and that system...

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Tan dissensions in the two London parishes that have made them- selves notorious, St. George's in the East, and St. Paul in the West, seem to spread out and deepen every week....

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THE annual report of the Postmaster-General stands out very dis- tinctly from all other Civil Service reports. Sir Rowland. Hill carries into official life the reforming energy...

Ties "COBWEB." AT WINDSOU.—Ill concluding this account of the Swart,

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I may mention that in passing over the Windsor and Eton Bridge, a shaft of some length may be seen, whizh divides the river into two pails,—the stream to the right turns the...

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GEORGE VILLIERS, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. * Mas. THOMSON, the biographer of Sir Walter Raleigh and of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, feeling "a strong interest in the faulty but...

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Mn. Msaans.r.r. arrived at Maulmain, the capital of the Tenas- serim provinces, in the beginning of 1854, seven months after the • Four Year. in Burmah. By W. H. Marshall,...

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THE ENGLISHWOMAN nf ITALY. * The Englishwoman in Italy is a

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book on which we may well congratulate both our own countrymen and the Italians because it tells for itself that it is written by one whom both parties may regard with...


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.A.CADEMIC REFORM AND UNIVERSITY REPRIBENTATION, by James Heywood, F.R.S., &c., is a book containing above three hundred pages, which undertakes to exhibit some important...

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The novelties proper to the present Easter are to be found at the Hay- market, the Princess's, the Strand, and the St. James's. At the first of these theatres, the " fairy...


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An elaborate " Life of the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli," is said to be forthcoming shortly. A new and improved edition of "The Grand Remonstrance, and other Historical...

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fin lrts.

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SOCIETY OF ARTS EXHIBITION. The arrangement and classification of the various inventions and other articles in the present exhibition, are a decided advance upon former years....


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Her Majesty's Theatre opened for the season on Tuesday evening, without any remarkable éclat. The opera was Flotow's Martha, fa- miliarly known to the public, and performed...

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On the 21st of March, at London, Canada West, the Hon. Mrs. Maurice Portman, of a sun. On the 5th of April, at 79, Rue de Lille, Paris, the Lady Charlotte Locker, of a son,...


The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (ClosingPrice .1 Sawed. Monday. heads* Wan's. per Cent Consols Ditto for Accoun t 3 par Cents Reduced New 3 per Centa 'Annuities 1880 Annuities 1851 Bank Stock,...