15 APRIL 1899

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The result of these decreases in expenditure and increases in

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taxation makes the final Budget estimate for 1899-1900 work out as follows :—Estimated Revenue, £110,287,000; further taxation in Stamp-duties and wines, £870,000 ; total,...


The Spectator

IR MICHAEL HICKS - BEACH opened his ki Budget on Thursday evening. His first duty was to point out that the final figures for the Imperial Revenue and expenditure for 1898-99...

In the debate that followed the chief speaker was, of

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course, Sir William Harcourt. He at once took the very strongest possible objection to the proposed dealings with the Sinking Fund, and denounced them in language which could...

This £870,000 Sir Michael Hicks-Beach proposes to obtain in the

The Spectator

following manner. He proposes, in the first place, to add to the Stamp-duties by requiring a transfer Stamp-duty of 5s. per £100 on the nominal value of all documents...

We have dealt at length with the Budget elsewhere, and

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can only say here that, in our opinion, it is a wise and sound Budget, though not in any sense original or capable of being described as a contribution to the science of...

One of the most interesting things in Sir Michael Hicks-

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Beach's speech was his account of the way in which Consols are now held. There' has been a remarkable change in the last fifteen years. In the year 1884-85 there were• in the...

* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, April 29th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure...

Page 2

" The news from Samoa is deplorable. The party of

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the Pretender Mataafa, secretly encouraged, there can be little doubt, either by German officials or by Germans of local influence, keep on attacking the English and Americans,...

The Vienna correspondent of the Tinies continues to call attention

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to the influence which the religious movement among the Germans is exercising in Austria. The conversions to Protestantism are, he says, reawakening Catholic bigotry, for some...

The signs of unrest in Russia multiply. Apart from the

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local insurrections caused by the prevailing scarcity, which in some places, notably Kazan, are serious,.there are the artisan troubles which we noticed last week ; and now the...

In the House of Commons on Tuesday Mr. Ledge introduced

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his Motion demanding that the Government should not prefer any clergyman unless they were satisfied that he would obey, not only his Bishop, but the law as declared by...

Mr. Reeves, the able Agent-General for New Zealand, informs Reuter's

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Agency that there is great irritation both in his own Colony and New South Wales at the Samoan incident, and a great wish to afford material assistance to the British...

The Figaro continues its publication of the evidence in the

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Dreyfus case, most of which is not sensational. The Generals all refuse to state whether secret evidence was banded to the officers sitting on the original Court-Martial, and...

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On Wednesday the House of Commons began its work by

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indulging in an interesting little debate on rural and other small fire-brigades. Mr. Pym moved the second reading of a Bill which proposed that inspectors should be appointed...

Lord Curzon, who talks almiut everything, delivered on Monday a

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speech defending the annual migration of the Indian Government to Simla. He maintained that in Simla the Viceroy found a leisure impossible in Calcutta, and also a climate and...

The county elections in Ireland have been conducted on party

The Spectator

principles, and have resulted in . a complete victory for the Nationalists, who return 556 out of 670 Councillors. In the three Celtic provinces the old governing class may be...

We have dealt 'elsewhere with Mr. Balfour's admirable speech, a

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speech which we believe represents the feeling of the wiser minds in the Church of England, and we will only say here that his main point was to insist upon loyalty to the true...

We are extremely glad to see that the . Mercantile Marine

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Service Association in its Memorandum, printed in Thursday's Times, is urging a suggestion made by us on several occasions, namely, that a certain amount of the money spent on...

The advocates of the total suppression of vivisection have started

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a new journal, the Abolitionist, which contains in its issue of Saturday some extraordinary statements. Its con- ductors affirm that on the Continent the most dangerous and...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent. New Consols (21) were on

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Friday 1101.

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THE BUDGET. T HE central fact of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's Budget was the necessity for finding a large extra sum of money to meet the increase in expenditure which will take...


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T ORD BEACONSFIELD speaks somewhere of "John A I Bull puzzled, but still subscribing."• We may perpe- trate a parallel aphorism in " The House of Commons puzzled, but still...

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W E are neither surprised nor annoyed at the result of the Irish county elections. It was nearly inevit- able that in the Celtic provinces they should end as they have...

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L ORD CROMER'S annual Reports on the condition -of Egypt are always among' the most interesting and valuable State . papers issued by British rulers and 'administra- tors, but...

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FRANCE AND HER ARMY. E ACH nation of the civilised world

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finds a separate inspiration for its sentimentality, and the sentiment of France is inspired by her Army. The sound of the trumpet stirs the Frenchman's blood to-day well-nigh...

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" B OLINGBROKE was a holy man,"—that, says Dr. Johnson, is an example of irony. For once the great man nodded, since this bald statement, though it sets forth one of the...


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W E differ with the Lord Chief Justice and Sir Edward Fry in their crusade against secret commissions upon one point, and one point only. They seem to doubt whether public...

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T HE difficulties which impede missionary effort have heen greatly Changed in the century of whiCh the ArchbishOp of Canterbury spoke to his vast audience in St. Paul's on...

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THE MARATHON OF THE SEALS. F AR, beyond the roaring track

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of the homeward-bound merchantman, lie in the South Pacific the grim clusters of salt-whitened isles marked on the chart as the South Shet- lands. Many years have come and gone...

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CROSS-QUESTIONERS CROSS-QUESTIONED. [TO THE EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR. "] Six, — Your readers may remember the epigrammatic saying, commonly though wrongly ascribed to Jowett,...


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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR, — In the French weekly paper, Les Annales Politique et Littiraire of March 26th, M. Camille Flammarion, in one of a series of articles...


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say in the Spectator of March 25th about the difficulty of preventing peculation in the Army reminds me of an anecdote I have heard my mother tell of the Duke of Wellington. A...

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NEWSPAPER [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR/7 you kindly insert this testimony to a Bishop of the Evangelical School, that your readers may see what the influence still is of...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, --The Principal of Mansfield College has, in his " Catho- licism, Roman and Anglican," made an important contribution to the...


The Spectator

___[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] ' SIR,—Ill your issue of March 18th you were good enough to insert a letter of mine, in which I maintained the apparently paradoxical...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — The article on this subject in the Spectator of April 8th is extremely interesting, but I venture to think the writer has overlooked...

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[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sm, — Science and common experience agree in teaching that sleeplessness is • the result of over-activity of brain. We are told, and we...


The Spectator

To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIB, —As an old reader of the Spectator, may I suggest as an interesting subject for an article the principles and amount of taxation in...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] venture to write a

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few thoughts suggested by your article on sleep in the Spectator of April 1st. (1) The physical phenomena, of which a lowered tempera- ture is the chief, are for the most part,...

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DELHI IN 1857.

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—I, and no doubt many other readers, would be . very greatly obliged to "F. S. H.," who wrote a letter in the Spectator of March 11th,...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your review of "The Encyclopedia of Sport" you quote textually a statement of Mr. Selous's "that lions pre- pare their food," and...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] think that all Brasenose men will be grateful to you for publishing, and to "B. N. C." for writing, the letter in the Spectator of March...


The Spectator

Sin,—From time to time, and again recently, some journals and writers have taken up the subject of discoveries of alleged or imagined portraits of Christ. And as this season...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—An interesting question has been raised in your columns on the comparative liability of rich and poor to the influenza. On March 11th...

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SIR MOUNTSTUART GRANT DUFF'S DIARY.* Tax four volumes that have already appeared of Sir Mount- stuart Grant Duff's Diary have set the example which the further instalment now...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Slit,—Members of the Bergens Polytekniske Forening would be very thankful for advice from you whom to address or where to write in London...


The Spectator

By the old Egyptian river, on the shore Is a white-walled city built by men of yore : There, amid the desert sands, like a monument it stands, With a bloodstain on its memory...


The Spectator

CROWNED with a floating splendour of flame, the sun Sinks, and from west to east the windless air Flushes with tremulous warmth of rosy grey ; Golden, and purple, and blue, the...

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a "seven ages" of man as applied to the musician. In a book as wise as it is interesting the author writes of the Prodigy, the Student, the Prig, the Amateur, the Virtuoso, the...

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DAN TOY AS A STATESMAN.* MIRABEAII, Danton, Bonaparte, these are

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the three great names of the Revolutionary era, the only men of genius pro- duced by that tremendous upheaval. Of the three, Danton is the least entitled to the praise of...

Page 20

HAPPY NEW ZEALAND.* NRw Zealand has now her home-bred historian.

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Mr. Reeves is no globe-trotter, no temporary resident giving his passing impressions of climate, scenery, and people. He is a ready writer, racy of the soil. From boyhood he...

Page 21

ECCENTRIC INSECTS.* TIME was—and not so very long ago, either—when

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there were no reliable books on entomology, even on British butterflies and moths, except at a price which put them beyond the reach of the general public. Of late, however,...

Page 22

The Rise and Growth of American Politics. By Henry James

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Ford. (Macmillan and Co. 5s.)—This is one of the most useful books that have ever been published upon American politics. Being a small volume of less than four hundred pages,...

Over Fen and Wold. By James John Hissey (Macmillan and

The Spectator

Co. 16s.)—Mr. Hissey does not quite possess the "feeling for Nature " exhibited either by the well-known American writer, Mr. John Burroughs, or by the late Richard...


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Organic Evolution Cross-examined. By the Duke of Argyll. (John Murray. 5s.)—The Duke of Argyll here prints as some suggestions on the great secret of biology " the articles he...

Page 23

The Metaphysic of Christianity and - Buddhism : a SymPhony. By Major-General

The Spectator

Dawsonne M. Strong,'C.B. (Watts and Co. -2s. Ed.) L—This little book is a sign of the iiiaretthed interest-new being taken in the greatest and noblest of -the 'religions-of...

Highway's and Byways in Yorth Wales ; G. , Bradley With

The Spectator

Illustrations by Jos . epla . Pennell' and Hugh ThOrnson. and CO. Gs.)-1'his . bdoir ought to be read with as much pleasure - by those who tan -only see Wales with the iniad's...

The Wisdom and Ilel4ione a' German Philosopher : being Selec-

The Spectator

tions from the Writings of G. W. F. Hegel.: Collected and edited by Elizabeth E Haldane. Megan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—On the frontispiece of this little volume is a portrait...

almost everything-he had about him: , . When telling - Foaque

The Spectator

Of tills "adventure aft e r iis iaturn, the Baron asked hini with a smile, LIfid you not also lose your shade* . . . Here was the germ which aftei-viarde developed into Peter...

The Cross im Tradition, History, and Art. By, the. Rev.

The Spectator

William Wood Seyineur,.; With' Illustrations: G. P. Putuarna -So= 31s. 641)--4217thbv comprehensive and- interesting-work the late Mr. Seymour - has-collected - agreat:sleal of...

The Mediceral Empire. By Herbert Fisher. - 2 vols. (Macmillan and

The Spectator

Co. 2ls.„ net)—.-Mt risbefhaa.Vritten a iwned !old valuable work on the Medisevil Empire, of the sort - which Ought to be common in England, but Which is rather of the...

Page 24

A History of the Presidency. By Edward Stanwood, Litt.D. (Houghton,

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Miffiin, and Co., Boston. $2•50.)—We are sorry Dr. Stanwood has given this otherwise excellent book the title it bears. No American has yet achieved the end of writing an...

Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations. By the Rev. A.

The Spectator

H. Sayce, Professor of Assyriology at Oxford. (Service and Paton. 6s.)—Much as we appreciate Professor Sayce's popularisation of early Oriental history, we wish he would treat...

Jerusalem the Huly. By Edmund Sherman Wallace, late United States

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Consul for Palestine. (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, Edinburgh. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Wallace has represented his nation in Jerusalem for five years. He has used the advantages of...

Page 25


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[Under this Heading we notice such Books of the week as have not ban reserved•for review in other forms.] The Theory of a Leisured Class. By Thorstein Verblen. (Macmillan and...

A History of Greece. By George Willis Botsford, Ph.D. (Mac-

The Spectator

millan and Co. 6s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Botsford is a teacher at Harvard, and has taken pains to make his book as practically useful as possible. In itself it is not to be preferred...

Alphonse Daudet. By his Son, Leon Daudet. Translated by Charles

The Spectator

de Kay. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. Ls.)—This book is not a " Life," as described, apparently by the binder, but a study of character. It is not always easily intelligible,...

Religio Medici. By Sir Thomas Browne. (G. Bell and Sons.

The Spectator

10s. 6d.)—It was a good idea to issue the 1?eligiv Medici in a stately quarto ; that is to say, if books are to have their deserts. We have examined the text carefully without...

Henry . Robert Reynolds, D.D. : his Life and Letters. Edited

The Spectator

by his Sisters. (Hodder and Stoughton. 9s.)—The greater part of Dr. Reynolds's working life was spent in the Presidency of Cheshunt College. He went there in 1860, when he was...

Letters to his Son on Religion. By Roundell, First Earl

The Spectator

of Selborne. (Macmillan and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Lord Selborne, it would appear, wrote a small treatise on Christian Apologetics in the shape of letters to his son, when a young man...

Page 26

NEW EDIT ioNs.—We are glad to see a third edition

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of Letters from a Mystic of the Present Day, by Rowland W. Corbet, M.A. (Elliot Stock). We may quote a passage from the preface to the second edition :—" The true meaning of...

The Parson's Handbook. By the Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A. (Grant

The Spectator

Richards. 3s. 6d.)—" A barrister of seven years' standing " is, or used to be, qualified for various appointments, , Mr. Peaxiner, as a priest of Seven years' standing, is...

MiscELLANEous.—The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, March (E. Stanford,

The Spectator

69), contains, among other matters, Sir R. Giffen's paper on "The Excess of Imports," a report of the dis- cussion which followed the reading of it, and some observations on the...