19 OCTOBER 1878

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The Spectator

rE latest intelligence from Afghanistan shows that the Indian Government has decided on a serious invasion, and is collect- ing 35,000 men upon the frontiers, so placed that the...

On Wedny the Times published an able letter from Sir

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James Steph.• defending the policy of the Indian Government in demanding possession of all military positions in Afghanistan ; and on Thursdayan immense memo. by Sir Bartle...

Mr. Gorst, M.1'. for Chatham, who, as having long been

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the head of one of the most influential of the Conservative Associations, is to be regarded as much more than an individual Member of Par- liament, made a speech at Chatham on...

The report so diligently spread that the Afghan officer in

The Spectator

com- mand of All Musjeed had informed Major Cavagnari that but for personal friendship he would shoot him, was, it appears, a falsehood. The Calcutta correspondent of the Times...

„,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


Mr. Cross has been stirring up Lancashire again this week

The Spectator

with two or three of those, in a sense, successful speeches, the secret of which seems to be a sort of animated dullness, a common- placeness beyond ordinary common-placeness,...

In his speech at Southport, Mr. Cross explained that the

The Spectator

Radicals wished "to make a clean sweep of everything, and to begin over again ; they had no reverence for things, simply because they existed, and the fact of their existence...

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The English and French Governments have come to an arrangement

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upon the Egyptian question. M. de Blignieres is to be Egyptian Minister of Public Works, with control over all railways, canals, and ports, except Alexandria, and to exercise...

Mr. C. S. Read, M.P., in distributing this day week

The Spectator

the prizes won by the children in the religious dupes of the diocese of Norwich, expressed himself much satisfied with the working of the Education Act in relation to religious...

Mr. Adams, the assistant to Mr. Edison, resident in London,

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informs the public that no explanation of his principal's method of dividing the Electric Light can be given until his patent for this country has been taken out, but that there...

The Home-rule party are in difficulties. It seems to be

The Spectator

admitted on all sides that Ireland is tiring of the Home- rule Agitation, and its little fruits. Perhaps the relative prosperity of Ireland is one cause of it, and the...

The annoyance produced in Italy by the Berlin Treaty, which

The Spectator

aggrandised Austria on the Adriatic without giving Italy any com- pensation, has resulted in the fall, or rather the modification, of the Cabinet. The Ministers for Foreign...

The fall in silver still continues, and is beginning seriously

The Spectator

to- affect the financial arrangements of the India Office, as well as the commerce of India. On Wednesday the India Office sold only half its drafts on India, leaving £600,000...

The German Anti-Socialist Bill is at last in shape. The

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Liberals have succeeded in defining " Socialists " as persons- aiming to subvert existing society by force, in restricting the right of suppression to newspapers issued after...

The Austrian Government, as was expected, has made a stern

The Spectator

reply to the Turkish Circular accusing its army of atrocities. Count Andrassy informs the Porte that its accusations are "con- trary to the truth," complains that no inquiry was...

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The Rev. J. Baldwin Brown, who acted as President of

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the Congregational Union at Liverpool on Tuesday last, delivered there a very striking address against the policy of driving out from among them, by the device of inventing new...

Sir Wilfrid Lawson made one of his amusing speeches at

The Spectator

Longtown, near Carlisle, on Thursday, on the Foreign policy of the Government. He said Lord Salisbury and Lord Beaconsfield both went to the Congress, because neither of them...

Sir Henry James, in speaking last week to his constituents

The Spectator

at Taunton, appears to have been exceedingly reticent on the chief question of the day. He said that all possible caution ought to be used before entering on an Indian war of...

Sir Patrick O'Brien, M.P., while visiting Philipstown on Monday, to

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attend Quarter Sessions, was induced to make a speech from a window on the politics of the day, and in it assured his constituents and the rest of his street audience that "he...

The season of burglaries has set in with some vigour,

The Spectator

and the Chief Constable of Surrey has issued a printed " caution " to "the occupiers of country houses," in which, however, he chiefly seems to have in view the prevention of...

Consols were on Friday 94} to 94.

The Spectator

Lord Dufferin, as his final gift to Canada and the

The Spectator

United States, has proposed that the Governments of New York and Ontario should combine to purchase the lands round the Falls of Niagara, which are of small value, and form of...

The Bank Rate remains at 6 per cent., the Directors

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not having raised it on Thursday, as they were expected to do. The Bank Return is, however, not favourable, the Reserve having declined to £8,517,000, while the Deposits have...

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The Spectator

SIR JAMES STEPHEN ON AFGHANISTAN. T HE policy finally adopted by Lord Lytton, and the argu- ments presented by Sir James Stephen to the country, through the Times of Wednesday,...

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The Spectator

M R. CROSS is not jubilant. He is quite satisfied, he says, that the country is more Conservative than ever, but his tone is apologetic rather than triumphant. The truth is,—...


The Spectator

L ORD BEACONSFIELD has always some resource, and the political world is curious to see what he will try next. He perceives, we doubt not, more clearly than anybody else that...

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The Spectator

TN that beautiful story of an ethereal life, "Welt d'une So3ur " Eugenie de la Ferronays, writes as far back as 1838, "In my last letter I spoke of the illness of M. de...

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The Spectator

T HE loss of Mr. Whalley will be the extraction of a thorn out of the side of Mr. Newdegate. That excellent and independent County Member has often felt that nothing tended so...

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THE POSITION OF THE SULTAN. E can imagine no political

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position more painful than that of the Sultan at the present moment, or one in which there is less hope of speedy improvement. Englishmt n are apt to think of him as the most...

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MR. PLIMSOLL AND MR. MORLEY. T WO specially representative politicians, Mr.

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Samuel Morley and Mr. Plimsoll, have announced recently to their constituents their intention of retiring from Parliament. They have acceded to a request to postpone their final...

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The Spectator

M R. GLADSTONE, in his remarkable article in the Contem- porary Review on " The Sixteenth Century Arraigned Before the Nineteenth," and Mr. Baldwin Brown, in his not less...

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The Spectator

W E know of few recent incidents more striking than the ready and, except among gas-shareholders, the pleased reception I which was given in this country to the assertion—for as...

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The Spectator

W E are always talking about the Weather, always interested in it, always trying to foretell it, always grumbling at it, or delighted with it. How long will it be before we know...

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The Spectator

THE MORALITY OF BEGGING. go THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —The argument against mendicancy with which you close your article on the "Morality of Begging" is, I think,...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] shall be glad if you can allow me space in the Spectator for a few remarks on the above subject, which have been sug- gested to me by a four...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—At this time, when so many able minds are engaged in considering what new inventions can be discovered to minimise the number of...


The Spectator

[TO THS EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 do not know India, but on reading the article by Mr. Hyndman in the Nineteenth Century on the "Bankruptcy of India," and the reply to it in...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-1 agree with all you so admirably state in the suggestive article in the Spectator of the 12th inst., but I altogether fail to see that...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF TIES "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A trifling incident occurred at one of the meetings of the Sheffield Church Congress which, as it created some sensation in that solemn...

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The Spectator

COUNT DE FERSEN.* [FIRST NOTICE.] THE French Revolution, like an inexhaustible mine, still continues to yield an unceasing stream of literary material, and in these two volumes,...


The Spectator

THE UNBURIED CHURCH, PENAIAEN. OF thy unwritten records, faerie Gower, O'ermounded sepulchre or cromlech grey, Giddy hill-fortress perch'd above the spray That beats thy...

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The Spectator

Da. JOHNSON is the great representative of English literature during the latter half of the eighteenth century. For many years he was a literary dictator, and few men ventured...

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A FOURTH of Signor Teata's book is occupied by an introduction describing the rise of the Lombard cities, and their social condi- tion during the twelfth century. The rest of...

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LECHLER'S LIFE OF WICLIF.* THERE is a sort of writers

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who are never tired of speaking ill of the English Reformation. They tell us that it was not a genuine popular movement, and that its leaders were a poor set of men, most of...

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A CHEQUERED LIFE.* Mits. DAY'S new novel is not a

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trap for the unwary reader, into which he shall walk to be caught by a theory, or a preachment, or by any set purpose ; it deals with life and its pleasures and pains, with...

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Margery Travers. By A. E. N. Bewicke. (Hurst and Blackett.)—

The Spectator

Miss Bewicke is one of the best of the second-rate novelists. She does not write too much, she does write carefully, and she tells a story so as to interest the reader, if not...

The Life of Christian Consecration : Sermons Preached at Leicester.

The Spectator

By Alexander Mackennal, B.A. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The writer of these sermons is a man who would deprecate anything like eulogy of them. In one very striking sermon, on"...


The Spectator

though none of them riso noticably above the average of merit. We should be inclined to give the first place to that on "Leasing as Philosopher and Theologian," whore the writer...

Lectures on the Labour Question. By Thomas Brassey, M.P. (Long-

The Spectator

mans.)—These lectures, which the author has collected and published in this volume, touch on almost every phase of the great labour question, and contain a quantity of facts and...

Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875 - C,

The Spectator

in H.M.'s Ships Alert' and Discovery.' By Captain Sir G. S. Nares. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Sir George Nares is not a brilliant writer, and few subjects are more monotonous or less...

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Between Me Gates. By Benj. F. Taylor. (Chicago, Griggs and

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Co. ; London, Triibner and Co.)—Mr. Taylor describes California, but hardly makes us enjoy his description as he might. It is in truth somewhat fatiguing. The magnitudes of the...

Benjamin du Plan. By D. Bonnefois. (Hodder and Stoughton.)— Benjamin

The Spectator

du Plan was "a gentleman of Alais," in the Department of Gard, and the writer of this memoir is the pastor of the Reformed Church in that town. M. du Plan began life by serving...

Mrs. Gray's Reminiscences. By Lady Blake. 3 vols. (Hurst and

The Spectator

Blackett.)—Mrs. Gray, the widow of a physician, tells us five stories of the love-affairs of persons with whom she had become acquainted in her native town of Castleford, and...

Rare Pale Margaret. 2 vols. (Sampson Low and Co.)—There is

The Spectator

nothing that we see especially " rare " or " pale " about the Margaret who is the heroine of this story. She is a high-spirited girl, who loves both open-air life and books, and...

My Mother's Diamonds. By Maria J. Greer. (Griffith and Ferran.)

The Spectator

—Many people doubtless are amused by reading about the blunders and follies of the personages in a tale, though there are others, fool- ishly sensitive, it may be, who feel a...

A Lost Battle. (David Douglas.)—This is a charming story, of

The Spectator

a sort which has come to be so old-fashioned, that it is very hard to find, in these days; like the Elzevir cookery-book and silver teapots before the "crown" mark, only more...