28 MARCH 1914

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The Spectator

W HAT is the cause of the crisis? Who can tell? It ohanges like the chameleon. We can say far more easily what did not cause it. It is not due to the Army having refused to obey...

The crisis is due to the criminal folly of the

The Spectator

Government. They let the Ulstermen organize and arm for over a year. They suddenly woke up to the danger of threatening to coerce armed men and making no preparations for doing...

What the King has, in fact, done has been as

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far as possible to prevent his subjects from flying at each other's throats. He has played the game of neither party, but has done what no doubt the hotheads on both sides...

Before we deal chronologically with the course of the crisis

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in Parliament we must say a word in regard to the deliberate attack upon the King made by Mr. Ward in the House of Commons on Tuesday night—an attack which, we regret to say,...

In the Commons on Monday Colonel Seely made a state-

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ment as to the movements of troops in Ireland and the resignations of officers. The War Office had been informed by Sir Arthur Paget on the previous Friday that some officers...

Thereupon Colonel Seely resigned, and with great spirit (and in

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his case we believe sincerely) threw himself to the Radical wolves—taking all the blame, and sheltering his colleagues. . Then the Government refused to accept the resignation...

a i The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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On Tuesday afternoon in the Commons, in Committee of Supply

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on the vote for the Army, Mr. Amery moved a reduc- tion of the vote on the ground of the War Minister's failure to do his duty to his colleagues and the Army. The only "mis-...

If matters had ended here, there would have been nothing

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very strange in the transaction. A Minister had blundered. He had confessed his blunder and had resigned so as not to involve his colleagues. That is the accepted method. Then...

On Wednesday in the House of Commons the crisis reached

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its zenith in the sensational and, from many points of view, unexpected resignation of Colonel Seely. Colonel Seely made a very full and frank confession, and declared that he...

Lord Robert Cecil, who professed no fear of a revolutionary

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who was unable to vote for motions which he seconded, urged the House to take an accurate view of what had happened. It was not a case of officers refusing to obey orders. They...

Mr. Boner Law's speech was an excellent example of his

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really brilliant debating power. " We have heard of people being thrown to the wolves," he said, "but never before have we heard of them being thrown to the wolves with a...

Mr. J. H. Thomas, the Labour Member for Derby, dwelt

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on Ulster's example to Labour. There were large numbers of railwaymen in the Army Reserve. Next November the railwaymen's notices to the companies would expire. What if, in the...

Mr. Asquith explained that the intention of the Govern- ment

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had been the innocent one of moving troops to places where military stores and ammunition were not properly pro- tected. The very dispersion of the troops which had been moved...

Mr. Boner Law produced a profound sensation by reading a

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version of what General Paget had said to the senior officers. He had informed them that operations were to be begun against Ulster, and he expected the country to be in a blaze...

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One note of almost tragic irony stands forth in the

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record of the week of crisis. Among the most virulent assailants and slanderers of the Army have been the professional pacifists— the men who have always on their lips such...

On Thursday a meeting of the General Officers holding the

The Spectator

official commands in England met at the War Office. No official information has been given as to the object of the meeting, but it is generally understood that the Generals were...

Wednesday's debate in the House of Lords did not distaloae

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any new facts, but we may note Lord Haldane's remark that the Government had given the House their word, and they stuck to it, that they had no intention of ever bringing about...

If, however, the two Generals go, then clearly Colonel Seely

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must go with them, and he must be followed by Lord Morley, who heard all the Cabinet said and then helped to draft the additional paragraphs. But if two Cabinet Ministers go, it...

The question of the appeal to the people brings us

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to the last, but the most important, point in the whole crisis. No one who endeavours to find some way out of the present impasse without bloodshed ever gets to close quarters...

We have been able to chronicle the beginning of the

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crisis, but not the end. Friday's news shows that further develop- ments will take place. On Thursday Sir John French, the Chief of the General Staff, and Sir Spencer Ewart, the...

We have only one word to say in regard to

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the question whether the Government meant business in Ulster, or whether their only idea was to protect a few stands of arms and minor stores of cartridges from hypothetical...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent., changed from 4 per cent.

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Jan. 29th. Console (20 were on Friday 75 1 ' 5 —Friday week 741.

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THE CRTSIS. W E are sick, and we believe the country is sick, of all the charges and recriminations of the past few days. What we want is some way out of an intolerable...

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W E have said above that things have now reached such a point that the only sane way of saving the situation is by an appeal to our masters, the voters. But, it will be said,...

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M R. ASQUITH'S ruling maxim has been " Wait and See." We have waited, and what do we see ? We see ourselves on the verge of civil war, a province in arms to resist the...

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T HE alleged issue between the Army and the democracy in the United Kingdom is used as a political con- venience, and, like most political conveniences, is unreal ; but we fear...

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RE is less than a week to the close of the financial ril ear, and it is worth while to try to forecast the situation with which Mr. Lloyd George will have to deal in his coming...

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It may be useful to recall the facts. Miss Marion Gilchrist, an old maiden lady, lived in a fiat on the first floor of No. 15 Queen's Terrace, Glasgow, where she was attended by...

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W E print elsewhere an appeal from Mr. C. A. Pearson, who is bravely turning to the gain of others his own affliction, and has put himself at the head of a movement to raise...

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I F the story of the Fall were to be rewritten to-day, the curse of Adam would be, we think, reversed. He would find himself outside Paradise—and out of work. A terrible fuss...

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Its rffs Enros or ran "Brzeraros.") Srn,—Have you noted how Shakespeare in Julius Caesar anticipated Mr. Churchill and Mr. Lloyd George ?— Brutus Brutus [Mr. Churchill at...


The Spectator

Ito TIM ED17011. 51 TH. SPROTASOR.n SIe,—What says Brutus to the conspirators in the play of Julius Caesar ? — " Our course will seem too bloody," do. And further on :- "...


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THE ULSTER QUESTION. [To ray Erns or ran "Bracraros."1 Sra,—It must be a complete misapprehension of the character of the people here which leads the Government to follow...

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[To rem Enna or nil "Seamans." J SIE,—Your leading article points out very clearly the advantages which, under the acceptance of Mr. Bonar Law's " Referendum " offer, would...


The Spectator

[To TUB EDITOR or nal .8rannos.1 Sru,—Mr. Churchill having from his place in Parliament used these words: " When it was found that the precautionary movements of the military...


The Spectator

[To TIM EDITOR or TRR "SPECTATOR.'"] Sra,—In your last issue you say "The moderate Liberals may yet save us from civil war if they will only make their influence felt. Can...

[To raw Eynon or nes “Brreraros."1

The Spectator

Snc,—A correspondent has rightly called attention to the proposal to give Londonderry Town a separate vote on the question of Exclusion or Inclusion. It is mere gerrymander-...


The Spectator

[To ran EDITOR OF 7/11. Srn,—I believe the Opposition to be sincerely anxious that the Home Rule Bill should be so modified that, should the Bill become law, civil war, at...


The Spectator

[To Tao EDITOR or nix "STRCTITOR."1 SIR,—As a regular reader of your articles, I think I cannot be wrong in saying that you have specifically accepted Home Rule for Ireland...

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[To SIMI Banos or r® ..SracrrArox."1 Sra,—Tbe history of the revolt of the Netherlands against the tyranny of Philip II. and Alva suggests several points of comparison with...


The Spectator

[To TIM EDITOR or TIM "BrZCT.o7.."J Ire — Is it not a false analogy to compare the use of the military in labour troubles with the attempt to use troops against Ulster? The...

THE SOLDIER'S DUTY. (To ras Earns or ram "firm:mares:1

The Spectator

Sin,—Will you permit me to quote the following extract from an interesting little book recently published, entitled Things Seen in Egypt ? It has reference to the Moslem...

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The Spectator

[To en EDITOR or en "13PiCTA708.1 Sin,—From personal knowledge, I am encouraged to believe that there are many prominent men of all shades of political opinions who favour the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR or TIM "Sracrams."] SIR,—It will have possibly occurred to others of your readers that the wind blowing through Ulster may, like all winds not altogether ill,...

[To 784 EDITOR 07 TEO "SPPC71701“ . ]

The Spectator

SIR,—The duty of the soldier in the matter of passive obedience is before us in so grave a form at the present moment that the opinion of Alfred de Vigny, himself a soldier of...


The Spectator

[To TIM BOMB or MP “Siscrxrea.°1 Sza,—The name of General H. Gough, commanding the Cavalry Brigade at the Curragh, has appeared in the papers during the past few days. As I...

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The Spectator

[TO en EDITOR or en SPICTATOS."1 Srn,—Few and far between are the Homes of Rest for over- worked town clergy who are really too fagged for "locum- tenancy" duties, and yet...


The Spectator

[To ran Earns or ran "Bracraron..1 Sra,—The able and interesting article on the National Reserve in your issue of March 14th will, it is to be hoped, be widely read, and be...


The Spectator

(To THS EOMes or ran "firsoraron.”) Sra,—I sincerely trust that in any forthcoming General Election the establishment of the Referendum as an integral part of the British...


The Spectator

Pro en Ernes or en “Srscr.vos."I Sln,—In a Report made by Mr. G. Lewes Dickinson to the Trustees of the Albert Kahn Travelling Fellowships dated November, 1913, occurs the...

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The Spectator

fTo 1121i EDITOR or THU ''SP IZCSASOIL "] Sut,—A correspondent in your last issue says that he cannot find any mention of elm blossoms in the work of the present Poet...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] am venturing to address you upon a rather out-of-the- way point in connexion with books, because in writing to you regarding it I am...


The Spectator

TO-DAY. WE, who are women in Ulster, what are the thoughts that we bear Through cycles of threatening horror, through tangles of trouble and care P We say to you, Brothers in...


The Spectator

THE TEMPLE CHURCH. IT is true of music, as of other arts and amenities of life, that some of our greatest treasures meet with scant recognition. The things that we have always...

"Communicated," the Editor meat not necessarily is held to is

The Spectator

in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of expression. In such instances, or in the case of "Letters to the Editor," insertion only means that the matter...

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CHARITYORGANIZATION.* Ire Fletcher's play, The Pilgrim, the following dialogue occurs ALINDA; What poor attend my charity to-day, wench P . JITLErrA : Of all sorts, madam; your...

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THE time cannot be far distant when New Zealand will become one of the world's playgrounds, for few countries offer such a variety of first-class sport. The trout-fishing can...

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well-known Club, containing logs of the ,best cruises made by members during the year, is • • The Royal Cruising Club Journal Season 1913. Loudon re.nted for the BoysKetator...

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SARAWAK, the north-western portion of Borneo, has Lad the rare good fortune of being governed for seventy years by two Englishmen who have held the right view of a ruler's duty...

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WHATEVER the fate of Greece and Rome in our classrooms, they will never lose their place in the nursery. Hardly a month passes without the issue of some classical tales for...

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IT may be doubted whether the Anglo-Indian who has spent half a lifetime in the study of Indian problems will eve; welcome the conclusions of even so conscientious and benevo-...

EARLY COLLEGIATE LIFE.* IN this little volume the President of

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Caine has collected a number of essays illustrating the past life cf his College, most of which have been delivered as addresses or printed in the College magazine. Caius is...

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Pr the biography of a great artist is to be estimated favourably on account of the mass of detail, significant and insignificant, Collected together,the present work deserves to...


The Spectator

THE KING OF ALSANDER.* Hrrff Imo we have only known Mr. Flecker as a writer of verse of a finely romantic quality. That is in itself no guarantee that he would be equally...

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[Under this heading us colic. such Books of Ike 'reek as have not inn reserved for review in other forms.] The Scientific Knowledge of Dante. By D. Lloyd Roberts. (Manchester...

Mineral Resources of the United Slates, 1912. (Washington Government Printing

The Spectator

Office.) — This gigantic work—two volumes containing 2,300 pages-is a testimony at once to the diligence of the United States Geological Survey, which has prepared it, and...

Children of the Hills. By Dermot O'Byrne. (Mannsel and Co.

The Spectator

2s. 6d. net.)—Seeking, after the manner of reviewers, to criticize a publisher's declared estimation of his own wares, we were confronted with the statement that " the short...

READABLE NOVELS.—The Tay of These Wooten. By E. Phillips Oppenheim.

The Spectator

(Methuen and Co. Gs.)—A clever murder story in which only the most accomplished novel-reader will detect the real murderer. The psychological study of the hero's marriage at...

Bird of Paradise. By Ada Leverson. (Grant Richards. 6s.)—We confess

The Spectator

that, until we read Mrs. Leverson's novel, we were loth to acknowledge how second-rate most people are; neither had we realized what a lot of true love there is in the world....

Rubber : its Sources, Cultivation, and Preparation. By Harold Brown.

The Spectator

(John Murray. 6s. net.)—This book is written partly for the student and partly for the planter, manufacturer, and merchant. All should find it useful, for it is well up to the...

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Plying : Some .Practical Experiences. By Gustav Hamel and Charles

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C. Turner. (Longmans and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— "Many books have been written on the history and on the theory of mechanical flight: practical flying has been com- paratively...

Photo-Electricity. By Arthur Llewellyn-Hughes. (Cam- bridge University Press. 62. net.)—ffound.

The Spectator

By J. W. Capatick. (Same publishers. 45. 6d.)—These two volumes belong to the " Cambridge_Physieal Series," and to say that is enough to commend them to all who, need lucid...

The Kipling Index. (Macmillan and Co.)—This useful pamphlet contains (1)

The Spectator

a list of Mr. Kipling's works up to date, with the detailed contents of each ; (2) an alphabetical index of all his stories and poems; (3) an index of the first lines of his...

Men and Women of the Italian Reformation. By Christopher Hare.

The Spectator

(Stanley Paul and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Hare tells us that be has been encouraged by the success of his recent work on Princess Giulia Gonzaga Colonna to give the world some...

Excavations on Rockbourne Down, Hampshire. By Heywood Sumner. (Chiswick Press.

The Spectator

2e. net.)—This admirably printed booklet is a valuable record of a long-forgotten Romano- British farm settlement, discovered by Mr. Sumner on the estate of the Earl of...

NEW EnrrioNs.—Lord Jim. By Joseph Conrad. (William Blackwood and Sons.

The Spectator

ls. net.)—This brilliant study of "the soul that found herself," with the Indian Ocean and the Malay jungle for its background, well deserves the honour of the cheap...

The Faith of Japan. By Taanku Harada. (Macmillan and Co.

The Spectator

5s. 6c1. net.)—Dr. Harada is the President of Dosbisha University at Kyoto, and this earnest exposition of Japanese religion was in substance delivered by him as a course of...