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The news from Ireland is still conflicting. On the one

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hand, it is asserted that the police, who are now confident of convicting the murderers of Mr. Field, a caiman's daughter, named Alice Carroll, who saw the crime, having come...

Mr. Chamberlain attended on Wednesday a banquet given by the

The Spectator

Swansea Liberal Association in honour of Mr. Dillwyn, M.P., and delivered a very amusing speech, in which, claiming for himself the name of Radical, he did full honour to the...

0 * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


The adoption of this Bill was accompanied by the resigna-

The Spectator

tions of the Ministers of War and Marine ; and the Premier, M. Eluclerc, who is ill, on learning the facts, resigned also. M. Gr6vy at first sent for M. Jules Ferry, but on his...

The Bill has still to pass the Senate, and it

The Spectator

is well under- stood that a majority of Senators think it unjust and impolitic, and they may, therefore, throw it out. If they do so, however, the two Chambers will be in direct...


The Spectator

• S INCE our last issue, the Duclerc Ministry has fallen. On Saturday, the 27th ult., the Committee of the Chamber for the examination of M. Floquet's Expulsion Bill, at the...


The Spectator

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which. will be devoted to Advertisements. The Fourth of...

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On Tuesday, Lord Carnarvon addressed a new Conservative- Club in

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Colchester, in a speech in which he put the old charges. in a very epigrammatic way. The Liberals had done well in Egypt, but in doing it had defied every principle which they...

M. de Giers, the Russian Foreign Secretary, has visited Vienna,

The Spectator

and has returned to St. Petersburg, pursued, as usual, by volleys of contradictory reports. It is affirmed, on the one hand, that he has consented to the Austrian annexation of...

The Bishop of Manchester has been, it would seem, inundated

The Spectator

with memorials thanking him for the course taken at Miles Platting, to several of which he has replied, identifying his action with the cause of law, and that of poor Mr....

Mr. Chamberlain evidently is not one of those members of

The Spectator

the Government who are very anxious for an early introdintion of the County Government Bill. He would prefer, he hints, to wait for household franchise in the counties, before...

The death of M. Gambetta has probably preserved Mada- gascar

The Spectator

from a French descent. The French Government has too much to do to think of expeditions, and the " policy of the fireside" will probably be triumphant. We therefore note only as...

The contest for Haddingtonshire, vacated by the succes- sion of

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Lord Elcho to the Earldom of Wemyss, comes off on Monday, and is likely to be a close one. The Tory candidate is Lord Elcho; who, it is hoped, will be aided by the great body of...

Sir Percival Heywood has, it is said, commenced the snit

The Spectator

called Quare impedit against the Bishop of Manchester for refusing to institute Mr. Cowgill at Miles Platting. It is stated that, under the Order in Council of 1880, which...

The Daily News has complained that the three Bishoprics recently

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filled up should all have been conferred on High Churchmen. In point of fact, we should say that not one of them has been conferred on a High Churchman. Dr. Benson has never...

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The Times, in a paper announcing that recruiting is falling-off,

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chiefly because the standard of age has been raised from eighteen to nineteen, publishes some statistics which show the almost unexpected value of the Reserve. The men belonging...

Mr. Lowther, M.P., delivered one of his fierce diatribes against

The Spectator

the Liberal party at Richmond in Yorkshire on Mon- -day, in which he ridiculed the notion of the Liberals really wishing to abolish corrupt practices at elections, on the ground...

Mr. Chamberlain made a very amusing and a rather Conser-

The Spectator

vative speech yesterday week, at the annual dinner of the Bir- mingham Law Students' Society. Its Conservatism consisted in his panegyric on the general fairness and...

Oxford University has now collected a circle of very distin-

The Spectator

guished young lawyers, who ought to make a considerable impres- sion on the law students of the present day. Professor Bryce, M.P., has longbeen known for his masterly studies...

A. letter addressed to Tuesday's Times by Dr. Macaulay Posnett

The Spectator

gives a striking sketch of the unfair difference now existing between the English and Irish system of voting, both political and municipal. But it is on the municipal side cer-...

When speaking at the celebration of Sir Harry Verney's political

The Spectator

jubilee last Tuesday, Mr. Mundella made a remarkable .speech on the national progress which had been due to Liberal legislation. He pointed out that in 1833 the poor-rate had...

Bank Rate, 4 per cent. Consols were on Friday 102

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to 102i.

We greatly fear that the Tait Memorial Fund is to

The Spectator

be frittered away in driblets, for this purpose and that. There is to be a monument at Canterbury, a monument at St. Paul's, a monument at Westminster, a restoration of the...

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IRELAND AND THE PROPOSED REFORMS. T HE single sentence which we

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had reason to regret and condemn in Lord Hartington's masterly speech at . Bacup a fortnight ago is already bearing fruit. Lord Hart- ington, in speaking of the...


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THE CRISIS IN PARIS. T HE crisis in Paris is a little less acute, but the situation is not improved. The majority of the Cabinet, afraid of the Radicals, afraid of the Princes,...

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" W E must have Tory men, and Liberal measures." That seems to us the sum-total of the advice which Mr. A. B. Forwood offers to his party, in this month's Contemporary Review....

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M R. CHAMBERLAIN, in the speech at Swansea, in which he did no more than justice to Mr. Dillwyn, as one of the staunchest and quite the most consistent Radical in the House of...


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W h cannot support the demand, raised by so many Cham- bers of Commerce and Agriculture, for the creation of a special Ministry or special Ministries for those Depart- ments....

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T HE letter which the German Emperor, in his character of King of Prussia, has addressed to the Pope is an indi- cation that the negotiations between the two Powers are near-...

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M R. HATCH, in the February number of the Contemporary- Review, speaks of the canonical vow of obedience to the Bishop by the Priests of the Church as not flowing " from any-...

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W E are always a little amused at the surprise which journalists either feel, or affect, when some local " wizard " like Hartwell, the Birmingham fortune-teller, " philo-...

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MR. DENIFTG AND THE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Pre MB EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 Sue,—Letters have appeared in your last two numbers bearing on the cause that led to my...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTLTOR."] • freely confess any ignorance of many things with which I ought to be acquainted, but I hope that it is not so dire as "Episcopus "...

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SIR,—In your last number, there is a very able criticism upon the English scheme for Egyptian self-government, and a very interesting letter from Mr. Malcolm MacColl upon the...


The Spectator

THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—What wonderfully short memories we have ! That story about Prince Bismarck being prevented from whistling in Hull on a Sunday, and in consequence...


The Spectator

ITo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you allow me to say a few words on the unhappy Irish question ? Myself an Irishman, and in Holy Orders of the Irish Church, I -am yet, what...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sia,—Your statistics of the Society of Friends, quoted from the Times, are, no doubt, correct. I have not the Irish returns before me, and...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In a review of my book on " Animal Intelligence," which appeared in the Spectator two or three months ago, it was alleged that in the...

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[To THE EDITOR Or THE " EPECTATOR."] SIR, —There are few, if any, no-.v living who can speak to having witnessed the amazing instance of precocity exhibited by Sir William Rowan...


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GUSTAVE DORE. LAST week there died in Paris, at the age of fifty, Gustave Dore, the most fertile and vivid designer that the would has ever known, and an artist who was...

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The Spectator

MISS GORDON CUMMING'S FIRE FOUNTAINS OF HA.WAIL* THE, nineteenth century will certainly be able to boast, among other products of its inquiring genius, of the group of lady...

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AT a time of the year such as the present, when the most general prospect which a Londoner beholds is one uniform yellow expanse of fog, a book upon modern landscape full of...

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TWO ON A TOWER.* As a general rule, we hold

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a reviewer is scarcely justified in revealing the purport of any work of fiction upon which he writes. His opinion should be given in such a way as not to destroy the interest...

MR. COURTNEY'S STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY.* Or the nine essays which

The Spectator

make up this volume, two have already been published, while the others have appeared for the first time. The book may, however, more conveniently be considered in the light of...

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• Stories by en 014 Bohemian. By the Author of " Reminiscences of an Old "Bohemian." In 2 vols. London Tinsley Brothers. 'THE " Old Bohemian" has read a good deal, especially...

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Tax Nineteenth Century for the month, though it contains no very striking essay, is full of readable papers. Dr. Jessopp gives us a most striking picture of the condition of a...

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Pompey's Peril. Written for the Zoophilist by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. (Published by the Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivi- section.)—This is a story full of liveliness...

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Familiar Lectures on the Physiology of Food and Drink. By

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R. J. Mann, M.D. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)—This is an interesting book, which, after our first cursory inspection, we felt inclined to praise highly. Indeed, the greater number of...

The appearance of the Revised Version of the New Testament

The Spectator

has let loose an army of discontented writers. At first they confined themselves to sharp and distant criticism; they are now coming to close quarters with hostile versions of...

Songs and Rhymes, English and French. By Walter Herries Pollock.

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(Remington.)—There is much grace in some of these verses, but also not as much substance as there ought to be in verses that are to take hold of the mind, except in the rare...

Colin Clout's Calendar. By Grant Allen. (Chatto and Winans.) —Here

The Spectator

are thirty-nine picturesque studies of hedgerow, moor, and forest, of stream, field, orchard, and garden. Mr. Grant Allen, the 4 ` Evolutionist at Large," discourses pleasantly...

A Flight to Mexico. By J. J. Aubertin. (Regan Paul

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and Co.)— As the author of this record of a short visit to Mexico was able to converse with the natives in their own language, he, of course, gained many interesting particulars...

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Cavalry Life. By J. S. Winter. (Chatto and Windus.)—When Mr.

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Winter claims to be the true exponent of military life, he probably means that Ouida and her imitators are among the number of those " charming women " who " talk of things they...

POETRY. —The Garden of Fragrance, being a Complete Translation of the

The Spectator

Bostan of Sddi into English Verse. By J. S. Davie, M.D. (Kegan Paul and Co.)—None bat a good Oriental scholar can judge the whole question as to the value of such a translation...

Alasnam's Lady. By Leslie Keith. (Bentley.)—There is too much of

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this novel, and of that too-muchness, talk has an undue share. But the author will do things worth doing, if she cultivates the art of pruning, and is remorseless in its...