5 JULY 1851

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The Spectator

Tire shadow - cast in the sunshine from a tree or any other object ap- pears stationary to the eye ; it is only by noting the change in its length or direction at considerable...

The grand result of the Irish census realizes the darkest

The Spectator

fore- boding. The anticipatory statement published in the Times yes- terday cannot be very wide of the mark, for the returns are now complete from all the counties but one. The...

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TOrhatro auh Vrintrtago iu Varliamrnt.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. norm OP LORD& Monday, June 30. Lord Stanley's Motion On the Affairs of the Cape Colony postponed-Abd-el-Kader's treatment noticed by the Marquis...

Of a verity Pio None is the most efficient promoter

The Spectator

of the Ec- clesiastical Titles Bill. The first vehemence of the panic - irritation excited by his creation of Romanist dioceses and bishops in England gave symptoms of...

There is a pause in the political movements of France.

The Spectator

All parties are waiting for the report of the Committee on Revision. The expedition of the President of the Republic to Poitiers is hardly an exception. If Louis Napoleon...

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The Spectator

The official declaration of the poll at Greenwich election, on Saturday, gave the following as the exact numbers registered—for Salomons, 2165 ; for Wire, 1278 ; majority for...

Zht (Court.

The Spectator

THE Queen and Prince Albert, and four of their children, went with the King of the Belgians and his sons and daughter to Osborne on Saturday, and remained there till Tuesday....

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,fnittgu gra Cultural.

The Spectator

FRANCE.—The President of the Republic has made another provincial excursion, and has delivered another speech. His progress did not cal/ forth such very marked enthusiasm as on...

b Vrouturro.

The Spectator

The annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science commenced its session for this year at Ipswich on Wednesday. Prince Albert is President of the...

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The Spectator

The illness of Lord Stanley's father, the Earl of Derby, had already at the end of last week assumed so grave an aspect that the motion in the House of Lords on an important...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY. The Papal Aggression measure has suddenly, and in a manner almost ludicrous, escaped from the House of Commons, and, as it were while the Members were "looking...

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Prince Albert returned from Ipswich yesterday evening. He had re-

The Spectator

ceived more addresses, including one from the members of the Museum, of which he is President; had laid the foundation-stone of a new Grammar School; and had been present at...

The Danish Ministry has resigned, to make way, as is

The Spectator

thought, for one less Danish and more conciliating to all the nationalities of the kingdom. Co)enbagen, the strong-hold of Danish partizanship, "is in a great ferment." Letters...

An anticipatory indication of the chief items in the quarter's

The Spectator

revenue appears in the Globe. The Customs, Stamps, Taxes, and Property-tax, show respectively, a "small decrease," a decrease of 60,0001., a decrease of 30,0001., and a decrease...

There was a large meeting of delegates from the Metropolitan

The Spectator

parishes yesterday, at the Marylebone Court-house, to oppose the Government Water Bill. Mr. Whitmore presided, and the popular leaders in parish matters made strenuous speeches....

lr 'gratrtg.

The Spectator

Mr. Lumley's management , this season, is distinguished by a restless activity. He does not follow the usual course of waiting till one novelty Mr. Lumley's management , this...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AETERNOON. The Stock Market has been in a rather more active state than usual. In the early part of the week, prices fell back about 1 per cent; they...

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The Spectator

As July wears on we begin to take stock of what we shall get by the session ; and in no department has there been more of promise, or more of begun accomplishment, than in Law...

Mr. Buckstone is generally the principal actor in Mr. J.

The Spectator

M. Morton's farces; and a similarity of principle may be traced in the acting of the former and the writing of the latter. As we have said more than once, there is a command of...


The Spectator

DISRAELI'S BEAUTIES OF SUICIDE. "NOBODY'S enemy but his own" may be applied without a para- dox to Benjamin Disraeli the Younger. Mr. Disraeli is invalu- able to all parties...

Mademoiselle Rachel continues to work her way through her old

The Spectator

reper- toire, and has not as yet touched a novelty. We need scarcely remind our readers that her Marie Stuart, in Lebrun's adaptation of Schiller's tra- gedy, belongs to the...

Much more strongly is the mark of Gallic origin imprinted

The Spectator

on a slight farce produced at the Olympic, with the title of The Fire-Eater. A pol- troon soldier mistakes real dangers for practical jokes, and accordingly meets them with...

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The Spectator

A CENTO of stale commonplaces in favour of " protection " from the mouth of M. Thiers, is a phienomenon to mystify English readers who look for the motives simply in the text,...


The Spectator

IT is to be regretted that the case of Connelly versus Connelly should have come before our courts as it has done, since it involves two questions that ought to be kept...

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The Spectator

IN the midst of life we are in death ; not only the quiet consumma- tion of life, but the vile and brutal death inflicted by mankind on itself. There is many a poor part of our...


The Spectator

Ma. MACKERAY wound up his admirable series of fashionable lec- tures with a moral, stern, eloquent, and incomplete. It often hap- pens thus : the author who most beautifully...

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The Spectator

" THE Prince of Wales is to learn Gaelic ! and - very proper too," cries Gossip. The poor Prince is held by that respectable imper- sonation to be no more than a working model...

Itttno to tyr ehttnr.

The Spectator

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. London, 3d July 1851, Snt—As amongst other British Colonies, whose interests you at all times so ably defend, you have recently directed public attention to...


The Spectator

A Doran mischief is done by indirect methods of control in mat- ters of plain and obvious misdoing. At Marylebone Police Office, this week, an old woman was brought up to answer...

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Sm—In all cases of controversy, as well in politics as

The Spectator

in law, the first point to settle is, on which party the burden of proof lies. In the present question as to the Cape Constitution, it will be material to bear this in mind. In...


The Spectator

Southampton, 24th June 1851. Sm—Your remarks on the recent railway accident on the Brighton and Lewes line induce me to call your attention to a railway guard employed in...


The Spectator

FARINI'S ROMAN STATE. * THE author of this work is a Roman subject, who was twice exiled under Gregory the Sixteenth, and returned after the amnesty of Pins the Ninth. In March...

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The Spectator

Tars volume possesses considerable poetical feeling and poetical faculty, but displays more of promise than performance. Mr. Mere- dith has the characteristics of young or...

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--LoAD wrtLi4.31-.LENNOICti PBBX -11,4.MILTON.• Faa a good part of two

The Spectator

volumes the subject of this novel is akin to that of the j uvenile tale, though not at all treated in the " re- spectable" didactic style which is wont to characterize those...


The Spectator

Boosts. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. By E. S. Creasy, 3I.A., Professor of Ancient and Modern History in University College, London,...

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The Spectator

These further parts of Mr. Cook's illustrations of Grecian scenery dis- play a decided advance on the first. They possess more air and scenic illusion. The views of Corinth from...


The Spectator

SCOTT'S PRINCE LEGION DESIGNS.* Blake—David Scott—these have been perhaps hitherto the only British artists (not even excepting Fuscli) who can be strictly called ideally con-...


The Spectator

On the 26th June, at the Manor House, Horsham, the Lady of E. Trederoft, Esq., of a daughter. On the 27th, at Dyrham Park, Rees, the Hon. Mrs. Trotter; of a son. On the 27th,...

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The Spectator

Orrice or Ofteevenca, June 30.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Gent. Cadets to be Sec. Lieuts.: C. C. Teesdale, vice Parkin, promoted ; J. Lyons, vice Johnston, pro- moted ; C. E....


The Spectator

BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices. Saturd. Monday Tuesday. Wanes. 3 per Cent Consols shut Ditto for Account r1 cad 971061 971 3 per Cents Reduced 971 97 971 3/ per Cents 98/...


The Spectator

Tuesday, July 1. pmerNeasmrs DissoLven-Ring and Conquest, Banner Street, tin-plate-workers -J. and J. Jackson, Hull, victuallers-Shaw and Co. Derby, silk-throwsters- Bone and...