6 MAY 1899

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The Italian Cabinet came to an end on Wednesday, Ministers

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resi g nin g without waitin g for an actual vote of the -Chamber. It was clear from the tone Of the debate that they would not be able to obtain a majority. All the speakers, as...

In the House of Lords on Monday Lord Salisbury made

The Spectator

a statement as to the a g reement with Russia. The g eneral drift of the a g reement, which would, he hoped, be laid on the table in a few days' time, was to define our fields...

The crisis in the Transvaal still continues in a state

The Spectator

of suppressed animation. President Kru g er is, it appears, ne g o- tiatin g in re g ard to the dynamite monopoly both with the capitalists and the Imperial Government, which...

Sir John Gorst, who made his annual statement on the

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Education V o te in Committee of Supply yesterday week, attributed the increase of the amount of the Vote,'" which is £8,753,986, or 2188,240 over last year's estimate, to...


The Spectator

O N Saturday last it was announced that General Luna, who commands the Army of the Filipinos, had sent Commis- sioners with a white fla g to the American camp to ask for an...

The Fi g aro provided a fresh sensation for its reader, by

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reproducin g in its issue of Tuesday the substance of the depositions of Colonel Du Paty de Clam at his examination before the Court of Cessation only last Saturday, althou g h...

The Editors c a nnot undertake to return Manuscript, in any case.

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Late on Monday night, after the adjournment of the House

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had been moved, Sir John Gorst made a personal statement in reply to the observations on his position which had fallen from Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman on the previous Friday....

On Thursday night the Commons resumed the debate on the

The Spectator

London Bill. A great effort was made to induce the Govern , meat to make elections for the Councils triennial instead of annual, as in every other municipal Council in England....

On Monday and Tuesday the House of Commons indulged in

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a full-dress debate on the Chancellor of the Exchequer's proposal in regard to the Sinking Fund. One of the most interesting speeches was that made by Mr. Courtney, who with...

We are, of course, glad that there seems a reasonable

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prospect of a portion of the British Empire becoming so great a field for British enterprise, but we dread the outburst of speculation that is almost certain to take place. A...

Lord Rosebery, speaking at the "Diamond Jubilee" banquet of the

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Newsvendors' Benevolent and Provident Institution On Wednesday, made a courageous and sensible speech on the vexed question of seven - day newspapers. Basing his objection to...

On Tuesday Mr. Rhodes addressed the Chartered Company's shareholders at

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the Cannon Street Hotel. The most impor- tant thing in a somewhat rambling, but very charaeteristic, speech, was the declaration that it had at last been proved that not only...

Sir William Harcourt's contribution to the debate on Tuesday was

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far less intereaking, being conceived on conventional Oppo- sition lines. In his opinion, the policy of expansion was the source Of all Our financial evils. If the taxpayer...

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Lord Salisbury's speech at the Academy banquet last Saturday was

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full of good things. After the announcement of his Russian agreement, the Prime Minister, with evident gusto, launched out into the question of ugliness and beauty in naval...

Lord Monteagle's valuable paper on the recent Irish County Council

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elections, "After the Deluge in Ireland," in Wednes- day's Westminster Gazette, should be read in connection with the exultant peen of victory by " Milesius " in the...

The United States Government have taken a curious step. Strange

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as it sounds, the Postmaster-General, with the assent, it is said, of the President, has forbidden certain pamphlets written by Mr. Atkinson, the well-knoWn economist, to be...

The vacancy in the representation of Oxford University, created by

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the death of Sir John Mowbray, will, it is now certain, be filled by the unopposed return next week of Sir William Anson. Sir William, whose accession to the House will...

The Prince of Wales, who took the chair at a

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dinner in aid of the London Lifeboat Saturday Fund on Monday, gave an interesting survey of the operations and resources of the National Lifeboat Institution, which was founded...

One does not want to bandy words with so accomplished

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a wit as Lord Salisbury, but surely he is a little behind the times in the matter of ironclads. The ironclads of tvienty years ago were deubtless hideous burdens to the water,...

The Times published in its issue of Monday the draft

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majority Report of the Licensing Committee, as well as that signed by Lord Peel and seven temperance members. On many points the two Reports are in complete agreement,—vin, in...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent. New Consols (2t) were on

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Friday 110+.

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THE OUTLOOK IN. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. T HE Government's latest diplomatic triumph—i.e., the agreement with Russia—affords a good oppor- tunity for taking stock of the state of...


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W E cannot say that we like the atmosphere of the Cannon -Street meeting or of Mr. Rhodes's great speech. There was too much excitability, too many wild proposals, too much of...

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advantage as a witness than as a letter-writer. His evidence before the Criminal Chamber came as a pleasant contrast to the testimony of his brethren-in-arms. It was frank and...

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T HE last twenty years of the present century will be memorable in England for the domination of one man, and that man Lord Salisbury. Since the death of Lord Beaconsfield,...

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I N the interest alike of sound Parliamentary principle, of Ministerial consistency, and of the prevention of one of the saddest and least redeemable forms of waste, we desire...

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TT is impossible, now that civilisation has done its work, to dream of the natural man. Even Rousseau's conception was purely dramatic, and when he would return to Eden he did...

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VILLAGE POLITICS. T HE place where the village brook expands into

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a shallow pond is the central point of the little community, the place where children play marbles—with buttons ; where men and boys congregate when work is done to exchange...

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our best authorities on wild- fowling, the two most solitary spots on the East Coast of England are Ravenspurn, in Yorkshire and Blakeney Point, 9n the eastern corner of the...

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Sra,—The following Report, addressed to Lord cromer by Mr. Caillard, the Director of Customs, has reference to the corn- plaint made by France and some other European countries...


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THE JURISDICTION OF THE ARCHBISHOPS. (TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SI11,—I agree with your correspondent "Templar," in the Spectator of April 29th, that it is seldom...

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Sra,—Your interesting article in the Spectator of April 29th under the above heading suggests to me that you might like to print the following inscription, written by Isaac...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THY "SPECTATOR."] STE, — The article in the Spectator of April 29th under above title, though summing up admirably the dangers of the present situation in...


The Spectator

quote in the Spectator of April 29th the English version of Landor's epitaph on Lady Blessington as a type of "the lapidary style." Is not the English inscription which he...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Snt,—In your article in the Spectator of April 29th on "Russia and England" you very properly suggest that the best way to bring about a...

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LOST VISION. True is the saying, that In Common lives There dies a poet and the man survives. In some he dies hard, and, before he dies,' Keeps in the half-extinguished...


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THE ACADEMY.—I. THE good pictures at the Academy produce about as much effect as would the playing of M. Paderewski supposing his piano to have been placed inside a hollow...

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SAINT-SIMON.* SAINT-SIMON is the greatest writer of memoirs that the world has seen ; as a historian he justly takes his place beside Thucydides and Tacitus. It has long been...

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THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A CHILD.* IT would have been more

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satisfactory if this very singular book had come into the world accompanied by some sort ef definition of the class of work it is supposed by its author to belong to. But as no...

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A MOST:P.M HISTORY.* A HISTORY of the Saracens written by

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a Moslem is a decidedly interesting phenomenon. It does not in the least follow that it will be better than others written by Christians, but it is certainly worth while to...

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THE BALKAN PENINSULA Tin author of this volume of travel

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in Eastern Europe has already proved, in an earlier book upon the Balkan States, his just claim to be considered as an experienced and impartial authority on the past history...

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NOVELS OF THE WEER* WE deeply regret to find Mr.

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Henry James in The Awkward Age once more carrying into practice that misguided opinion, by which so many modern writers of fiction are obviously actuated, that normal and...

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THE Nineteenth Century for May contains many papers of a certain interest, though none of the first rank. The two attacks on Russia with which it commences do not impress us. We...

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The Maine' : the Personal .Narrative of Captain Sigsbee.

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Fisher Unwin. 69.)—The Captain of the 'Maine' gives us in this book the most minute account of the mysterious disaster which befell his vessel in the harbour of Havana. In the...

George Stephenson. By David J. Deane. (S. W. Partridge and

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Co. is. 6d.)—Mr. Deane tells again a story familiar indeed, but not likely to weary its readers. He does justice to the pioneers of rail- ways, the tramways which were laid down...

The Cyclopedia of Home Arts. With nearly 600 Illustrations and

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Designs. Edited and compiled by Montague Marks. (C. A. Pearson. 7s. 6d.)—This is a comprehensive and well-arranged book, dealing chiefly with the technical side of art. The...

The Spoolak and the Antidote. By Leila Troppmann. (Sands and

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Co. 5s.)—This children's picture-book was looked at with approval by a five-year-old critic, and pronounced to be very nice." Little can be added to that, but we should like to...


The Spectator

[Under this Heading we nonce such Books of the week as hare not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Martyrdom of Labour. By Alfred Thomas Story. (G. Red- way....


The Spectator

The present, or April, number of the Quarterly .Reriew is a little flat. The articles are all good, but there is little distinction in any of them, nothing which gives any one...

Page 24

MEOLOGY.-1 - 114IlletiOnS On the Revelation of St. John the Prim- By

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the Rev. Cresswell Strange. (Longmaus and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Strange's theory is that the book was originally a Jewish composition (chaps. xi.-xii., for instance, he regards as...

ESSAYS.—A Paladin of Philanthropy, and other Papers. By Austin Dobson.

The Spectator

(Chatto and Windus. Cs.)—Mr. Austin, Dobson has collected in this volume some twelve or thirteen essays published in various periodicals. The "Paladin," from which the volume...

The Flora of C7w4hire. By Lord de Tabley. Edited by

The Spectator

Spencer Moore. (Longmsms and Co. 16s. net.)—Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff supplies an excellent little memoir of Lord de Tabley, who was a many-sided man. He was, in the first...

SHORT STORIES.—Two of these volumes may be mentioned together :—By

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Creek and Gully. By Australian Writers in England. Edited by Lida Fisher. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—We have, not reckoning an introduction in verse by the editor, twenty sketches...

"The Prince of Army Chaplains," by Colonel Colomb (Burns and

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Oates), begins with a chapter entitled "Shakespeare's Catholic Literature," " Catholic " not being used in the literary sense, as It often has been used of Shakespeare, but in...

EssonooKs.—The series of "Murray's English Handbooks (John Murray) is fitly

The Spectator

concluded by A Handbook of Warwick- shire (6s.), the central county of England," to which is allotted a volume of its own. It is needless to speak in praise of these excel- lent...

The Good Queen Charlotte. By Percy Fitzgerald. (Downey and Co.

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10s. 6d.)--Mr. Fitzgerald does not believe, it is clear, in Lord Byron's famous description of the Queen. "Bad he contradicts by the title of his volume, and, in respect of...

Nineteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Surcey, 1897-98.

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By Charles I). Walcott. (Government Printing Office, Washington.)—Here we have the two divisions of the Sixth and Final Part of the Report, containing particulars as to metallic...

The History of Me Laws and Courts of Hong-kong. By

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James William Norton-Kyshe. 2 vols. (T. Fisher Unwin. 10s.)—This work is, in fact, a history of the Colony of Hong-kong as regards its government, political and judicial. The...

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REPRINTS A.ND NEW EDITIONS.—Profemor Arber, who is cer- tainly one

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of the most industrious, as he is one of the most learned, of mankind, has commenced a series of "Anthologies." There are to be ten in all, and they are published by Mr. Henry...

- 11DitenmixDous.—Plata and Darwin: a Philosophic Dialogue. By. the Abbe Memel

The Spectator

Hebert. Translated by Hon. W. Gibson. (Longmans and Co. 2s.)—A translation of a brochure that was published some six years ago in a religious magazine. M. Hebert "personifies...

ScitooL-Booss.—The Merchant of Venice. Edited by J. Strong, B.A. (Loud.)

The Spectator

(A. and C. Black.)—Thtwydides IL Translated by J. F. Stout, BA. (W. B. Clive. 3s. 6d.)—arrar's Inrasion of Britain (IV. 20—V. 23). Edited by A. H. Allcroft, MA., and T. N....