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The day before the American Elections information was allowed to

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ooze out at Washington that the President had addressed a despatch to Caleb Cushing, Minister at Madrid, stating that affairs in Cuba were becoming intolerable to the Union ;...

The National Assembly met at Versailles on Thursday, the 4th

The Spectator

inst., and M. Buffet announced that his Government insisted on precedence for the Electoral Law. This was accorded without opposition, but a motion by M. Pascal Duprat, that the...


The Spectator

S OME alarm has been created this week by an announcement in the Moscow Gazette that the Russian Government has changed policy, that it can no longer remain an inattentive or...

The first Cabinet meeting of the season was held on

The Spectator

Thursday, .and the result appeared, we suppose, in the official announce- rment made on Friday morning that the Fugitive-Slave Circular is not only suspended, but withdrawn....

It is stated that a severe crisis is coming on

The Spectator

in the Iron trade, which will again affect the miners. According to the Telegraph, all iron work will shortly cease, and one great Company in the North has closed all contracts...

The American pendulum has been swinging again. The last elections

The Spectator

gave the Democrats a heavy majority in the House of Representatives, and increased their minority in the Senate, and it was supposed that the people had finally turned round....

41 ',„* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


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Sir Thomas Acland, in speaking yesterday week at the dinner

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of the East Devon County School, at Sampford Peverell, antici- pated an early solution of the question of county finance by the establishment of County Boards, and went on to...

S. Minghetti, the Italian Premier, delivered a great speech at

The Spectator

Cologne, in Venetia, on the 31st October. After showing that Parliament would be able in 1876 to produce an equilibrium in Italian finance, though the floating debt and the...

The effect of King Ludwig's recent action in Bavaria will,

The Spectator

it is thought, be tested when the addition to the military estimates comes on for discussion. The Ultramontanes will not venture to refuse the Budget, as in that case they would...

The Manchester Diocesan Conference has been debating about the position

The Spectator

of laymen in the Church, and the Liberals of the Conference appear to concede almost every function to a layman that a clergyman can perform, except the priestly functions of...

Mr. Baxter has been giving his constituents in Scotland an

The Spectator

account of his recent tour in the East, to which he has added a burst of stern joy over the defeat of France by Germany, and the - wrenching of Alsace-Lorraine out of French...

The Government of Italy is hampered in its dealings with

The Spectator

brigands by the difficulty of obtaining a verdict to be followed by a capital sentence, and the Government of Spain by the uncertainty of legal proceedings. The Judges...

That Central Chamber of Agriculture will have to be dissolved

The Spectator

as a revolutionary body. Just before last Session, it told Mr. Disraeli that the farmers were dissatisfied with his treatment of local taxation, and now it not only repeats that...

Lord Darnley announces in all the papers that the difficulties

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between him and the offending Captain in the West Kent Yeo- manry have been adjusted, and his support will again be given to that corps. It is added, on other authority, that...

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We have commented elsewhere on the case of the late

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Head Master of Felsted School, the Rev. W. S. Grignon, as stated by himself in a pamphlet just published at Chelmsford, but may add here that not only was he supported by the...

Perhaps there is no greater test of heroic courage than

The Spectator

a voluntary encounter with great perils alone, where an escape from those perils has been opened of which others have availed them- selves. Such heroism has been recorded this...

Sir John Lubbock read another amusing paper on ants and

The Spectator

bees on Thursday night at the Linnwan Society, in which he again brought forward evidence of the extreme industry of wasps, and the relative intellectual inferiority of bees to...

Canon Liddon preached an eloquent sermon at Graffham on Tuesday,

The Spectator

when the parish church there was reopened, after a restoration made in memory of the late Bishop Wilberforce. His encomium, on which we have passed some criticism elsewhere,...

England has just shown the world that an ironclad can

The Spectator

be drowned, and now France is showing it that an ironclad can be burnt. Admiral Roze reports on 31st October, from Toulon, that the Magenta,' a second-rate vessel, but one of...

Dr. Haughton, of Trinity College, Dublin, is known to have

The Spectator

expressed the opinion as long ago as 1857,—that is, eighteen years ago,—that there was a point in the polar regions where the opposite courses of the Atlantic and Pacific...

Consols were at the latest date 94 to 94*.

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The Spectator

THE RUSSIAN "VOLTE-FACE." TS Turkey to reap the whirlwind at once ? It looks very like it. Up to the date of the decree repudiating half the Debt, the three Military Powers...

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The Spectator

T HE first Cabinet Council of the Vacation has cancelled the big blunder of the Vacation,—not too soon for the credit of the Government, to one of whose chief members it was...

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W E do not understand the kind of doubt professed by some of our contemporaries as to the morality of our recent operations in the Congo. They were not grand opera- tions, of...

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IfiE AMERICAN ELECTIONS. O N November 1, 1875, the political position

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of the United States, described in the terminology of English parties, was this :—There was a Liberal President, irremovable for six- teen months, and able and resolved to...

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T HE removal of the Head Master of Felsted School without a hearing, by a body of Trustees which had dwindled below what even the scheme regarded as an adequate number, and the...

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P ANEGYRICS satisfy too universal an instinct and serve too good a purpose to make it expedient, even if it were possible, to dispense with them. If the objects of them had...

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DERHAPS it is our own fault that the moment Professor 1 Tyndall leaves physical philosophy, and betakes himself to the theologic or metaphysical assumptions which underlie it,...

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I T is Mr. Galton's misfortune—but not his fault, for he is a most patient inquirer—that in all his speculations on heredity he is obliged to content himself with a very...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Perhaps a succinct account

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of some recent political trans- actions in this town may help to answer " Z.'s " question. The ecbeme for the management of the grammar-school has reached that stage at which...


The Spectator

ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS IN ENDOWED SCHOOLS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") can assure your correspondent "Z." that no doubt is possible with regard to the feeling of the...


The Spectator

"SPECTATOR.") last Spectator are some statements about the compo- sition of the County Magistracy which seem inaccurate, and which it may be desirable to correct. It is said...

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The Spectator

['o THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] Sni,—If your article on the Balaclava Charge was written, as to the last part, from a real desire for information, I will try to give you...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Although I entirely sympathise with the wish you expressed last week that Mr. Tennyson, as he has sung for us the Charge of "the Six...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.) Sin,—The prophecy anent the destiny of the Turkish Empire appeared in Notes and Queries for August 5, 1854. A corre- spondent communicated...


The Spectator

TER EDITOR OF Tam “SPICT47031:1 Sirt,—Before the Bishop of Ripon so positively asserted that an "true Protestants " reject the doctrine of prayer for the dead, he- should...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I cannot see the difficulty suggested by your article on the above subject. If the supposed religious question were one con- cerning...

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The Spectator

IRISH SONG. 'Tux white blossom's off the bog, and the leaves are off the trees, And the singin' birds have scattliered across the stormy seas,_ And oh ! 'tis winter, Wild,...


The Spectator

THE AGRICULTURAL LOCKOUT.* 'Tine volume is composed Of the letters of the Times' Special Correspondent during the Eastern-Counties Lock-Out in 1874. Mr. Clifford tells us in...

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SIR JOI1N RERESBY reminds us in several respects of Sir Geoffrey Peveril. Scott's worthy knight belongs, like Reresby, to the seventeenth century, both were staunch supporters...

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WE gave a brief notice of this work some months ago (December 12, 1874). Since then, we have had the opportunity of giving it a careful examination. The result has been to...

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THESE wild, picturesque stories of the gold-diggers of California are getting just a little bit stale, and they want either altogether new treatment, or nothing _less than the...

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THE Contemporary for this month contains another most amusing - though sardonic paper by Julian Hawthorne upon the Saxon Switzerland, but the place of honour is fittingly...

IMPRESSIONS OF LONDON SOCIAL LIFE.* Tuts book is intended rather

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for American than English readers ; indeed, its contents originally appeared in some periodical in the United States. Mr. Nadal had better opportunities than many strangers for...

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The War-n(1 . 91m : a Romance of the Arctic Ocean. By

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Frank Usher. 3 vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—This is a taking title, but it might just as well have been "A Romance of Ceylon" or "A Romance of London." The two sons of Captain...

learning, and written with rigour, gives a sketch of forms

The Spectator

of worship that preceded Christianity, Mosaism appearing in company with Brah- manism, Buddhism, Hellenism, &c. The preliminary observations, dealing chiefly with the subject of...


The Spectator

Endowed Territorial Work. The Baird Lecture for 1875. By the Rev. W. Smith, D.D. (Blackwood.)—" The Baird Lecture" is a recent foundation having for its object "the...

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The History of France. By M. Guizot. Translated by Robert

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Black, M.A. Volume IV. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This volume takes up the history at the death of Henry IV., and carries it on to the death of Louis XIV., a period of a little...

Smoot Booxe.—The series of History Primers edited by Mr. T.

The Spectator

R. Green (Macmillan) promises to be a very useful one. We have before us at this moment two, The History of Rome, by the Rev. M. Creighton, and The History of Greece, by C. A....

The Campaigns of Napoleon : Waterloo. By Edward E. Bowen,

The Spectator

M.A. (Rivingtons.)—This is the last volume of an excellent series. The battles of Ligny and Quatro Bras are included under the head of "Waterloo." We have, in fact, a...

The Secret Warfare of Freemasonry against Church and State. Translated

The Spectator

from the German. (Burns and Oates)—Logically the Indictment against Freemasonry is very strong. As the translator of this work well puts it, "No man has a right to yield up...

her Idol. By Maxwell Hood. 3 vols. (Samuel Tinsley.)—It is

The Spectator

a theological phrase, often, we think, used with doubtful propriety, to speak of the object of some strong but perfectly legitimate affection as being an "idol." This is the...

Sir Marmaduke Lorton, Bart. By the Hon. Albert S. G.

The Spectator

Canning. 3 vols. (Samuel Tinsley.)—This book is a very odd mixture. The story itself concerns the sayings and doings of a number of exceedingly disreputable persons, among...