30 APRIL 1898, page 10

Gabriele Von Billow : A Memoir Compiled From The Family

Papers of Wilhelm von Humboldt and his Children. Translated by Clara Nordlinger. (Smith and Elder. 16s.)—Gabriele von Billow was the daughter of Wilhelm von Humboldt, the elder......

Early Fortifications In Scotland. By David Christison,...

and Sons. 21s.)—There is a good deal of the iconoclast in the best sense in Dr. Christison's work ; there is un- fortunately also a good deal of Dryaadust. In this substan- tial......

Chauncy Maples, Bishop Of Likoma, Lake Nyasa : A Sketch

of his Life, with Selections from his Letters. By his Sister. (Longmans and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Even those who had but the slightest acquaintance with Bishop Maples (as was the case......

Modern Problems And Christian Ethics. By W. J. Hocking....

Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—These sermons discuss in a manly, religious, and common-sensical spirit many of the problems that most exercise the minds of average men and women who......