30 APRIL 1898, page 32

Animal Characteristics.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPRCTATOR."] SIE,—It would require many volumes completely to answer all the questions put by your correspondent under the above heading in the Spectator......

Bird Law. • [to Viz Editor. Of Tile "spfctat Sir, — Is

it to be inferred from the review or the Wil,1 Birds' Protection Acts" in the Spectator of April Nth, that Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, is under protection for three years from......


TO THE AUTHOR OF FESTUS." POET, who in your snowy years, Waitest the end of thought and tears, With stately calm, superb content, By crocus-purple banks of Trent. Long since we......

Joint-stock Companies Among Birds.

LTO THE EDITOR. OP THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—Is this conduct usual, and can any of your readers throw light upon it ? In this garden a thrush is sitting on a nest of blackbird's......


THE NEW GALLERY. THE present exhibition at the New Gallery may be pro- nounced either good or bad. The judgment depends 0E1 which we dwell most upon,—the leaven or the lamp.......