Records Of Old Times, Historical, Social. Political,...
By J. Kersley Fowler ("Rusticus "). (Chatto and Windus. 10s. 6d.)—Mr. Fowler, who has already published two volumes upon " Old Country Life," completes a trilogy in these "......
Charles Dickens : A Critical Study. By George Gissing....
and Son.)—What Mr. Swinburne justly calls the " matchless genius" of Dickens is criticised with knowledge and discrimina- tion in this little volume, which belongs to the "......
Andree And His Balloon. By Henri Lachambre And Alexis...
(A. Constable and Co.)—A pathetic interest—the interest of hope deferred, and of hearts now sickening, it may be feared, to despair—attaches to this simple, enthusiastic, and......
The Life Of The Rev. James Morison, D.d. By William
Adamson, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)—This is a painstaking and judicious, though rather too long and detailed, biography of a clergyman who will surely be accounted at......
Robert Burns And Mrs. Dunlop : Correspondence Now...
Pull for the First Time. With Elucidations by William Wallace. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 61)—In the present volume the editor makes use of the Lochryan MSS. that were employed......