Fruits And Farinacea The Proper Food Of Man. By John
Smith. (Ideal Publishing Union.)—This is a reprint of a volume published some forty years ago, now republished as part of the " Vegetarian Jubilee Library." It would be useless......
New Essays Towards A Critical Method. By John Mackinnon...
(John Lane.)—It is not easy to see what Mr. Robertson means by a "critical method." He gives us his views, ethical and literary—the literary being preferable, we cannot but......
Watched By Wolves, And Other Anecdotes Of Animals. By Linden
Meadows. (Roxburghe Press.)—The first of these stories is a very well told experience of the Backwoods. By "well told" we especially mean told in such a way as to impress the......
Among The Dark - Haired Race In The Flowery Land. By Samuel
B. Drake. (R.T.S.)—Mr. Drake, who is in the service of the Baptist Missionary Society, gives us some very interesting accounts of his experiences in Southern Shan-si. Among them......
The National Movement Of The Reign Of Henry Iii. By
Oliver H. Richardson. (Macmillan and Co.)—Mr. Richardson, who is Pro- fessor of History in Drury College (Springfield, Mo.), has given us here a useful volume. In his first......
Whitby : Past And Present. By Robert B. Holt. (copas
and Co.)—This is a pleasant little book which tells us what we want to know about Whitby as it is and as it was. Mr. Holt goes back to days before Whitby became fashionable,......
The Papal Conclaves. By The Rev. A. R. Pennington....
volume, reprinted, with additions, from the Quarterly Review, gives an excellent account of its subject. Fresh sources of information are now available, the Italian archives......
Newfoundland In 1897. By The Rev. M. Harvey, Ll.d. (sampson
Low, Marston, and Co.)—This is a " Jubilee " volume, and naturally has a Jubilee tone. Whatever discount, however, we may be inclined to take off on this score from Dr. Harvey's......
New Zealand Rulers And Statesmen. By William Gisborne....
Marston, and Co.)—This is a " revised and enlarged edition " of a work published in 1886. It is carried down to the present time. Mr. Gisborne points out with perfect truth that......