30 APRIL 1898, page 9


he became familiar in his childhood prepared him for the position which he ultimately filled as the first of Scottish—and not the least of British—descriptive poets. Educated at......

The Expositor's Greek Testament. Edited By The Rev. W....

Ben Nicoll. Vol. II. (Hodder and Stoughton. 28e.)—This volume contains the Gospels, — the Synoptic Gospels having been treated by Professor A. B. Bruce, the Gospel of St. John......

The Life And Writings Of .tames Clarence Mangan. By D.

J. O'Donoghue. (Patrick Geddes and Co., Edinburgh. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. O'Donoghue begins his introduction by remarking that "to write a life of Mangan is one of the most difficult......

Modern Problems And Christian Ethics. By W. J. Hocking....

Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—These sermons discuss in a manly, religious, and common-sensical spirit many of the problems that most exercise the minds of average men and women who......