28 APRIL 1832

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The Spectator

WE may commence out "News of the. Week" by, stating that the week has -afforded no news.. There has been no leading question to be discussed, no remarkable event to chronicle....

The French Chambers were prorogued on Saturday. The De- puties

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assembled aboutone o'clock, but the MinisterSdelayed their appearance till nearly two. The nature of the ordinance, Which it had been announced was to be read to the Chamber,...

From the Mexican mail received yesterday, it

The Spectator

General SANTA ANNA has been' defeated by the'!e troops, and has fled into Vera Cruz, where he iefl.ratifying himself in the expectation of a siege. In consequence ofthe civil...

Tile only incident of the slightest interest that has occurred

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during the week in the now acknowledged kingdom of Belgium, is the seizure of M. THORN, Governor of Luxembourg, by a band of Dutch marauders under the well-known chief TORNACO,...

The Cantons of Valais and Grisons have signed ..eft the .

The Spectator

Po p e's - NtinciO, for the use of a corps of 3,000 *hi) are to serve the Pape in the same capacity as t the same qrarter served the former Bourbons of Fra 4

It would appear that CHARLES JEAN iS threatened with agita-

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tion, as well as other potentates. The following announcement appears in a Stockholm paper— " Several arrests have lately been made here by the police, and more will follow....

The Nuremberg Gazette of the 14th mentions, that an order

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had been issued by the Government of Hanover to the Police of GiAtingen, to seize the -persons and papers of the Polish residents in that city. - Among the reported seizures,...

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rbe Court.

The Spectator

The King and Queen have enjoyed Easter Week at Windsor. On Monday they honoured Staines with their presence, on the occasion of the opening of the new Bridge ; a ceremony which...

MR. IRVING'S Truat.—On Thursday, thevase of the Reverend Mr. Irving

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and his Trustees came• for consideration before the Scotch Presbytery, who are, it seems, the arbiters chosen by the trust deed for the final settlement of any differences that...

That the Comraon.Council had inquired into the luau's conduct, and

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were of opinion that he had done his duty efficiently and properly ; and he was sorry to hear Mr. Alderman. Copeland was at Newmarket, and could not examine the gentlemen who...

be Bictruptfilt.

The Spectator

On Thursday, a Court of Common Council was held, pursuant to requisition, For the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of petitioning the House of Lords upon the...

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On Monday night, about nine o'clock, at a place called

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Tyer's Gate- way, Bermondsey, a female suddenly pushed up the first-floor window of a house, and threw herself out. She was in a state of nakedness at the time, and the height...


The Spectator

This ceremony took place on Monday. It was as gay as the day was bright; and the day was not brighter than were the countenances of the good King and gentle Queen, under whose...

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Lath anti Sittdticr.

The Spectator

CHANCERY.—The Court of Chancery is again overpowered with mo- tions. Sir Edward Sugden has proposed to put only such motions in the list as are sure to be heard on each day, and...

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ebe Cauntrn.

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At a meeting of the Union at Newcastle, on Wednesday last, it was agreed to send a petition to the House of Lords, praying them to pass the Bill unmutilated ; and another to...

The "strike" of the pitmen continues. A very numerous meeting

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of the infatuated men took place on the Black Fell on Saturday, for the purpose of entering into a resolution to support each other in their stand against their employers. The...

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The following is a list of the company present during

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the week. Duke of Rutland, Duke and Duchess of Richmond, Duke of Portland, Duke of Graf- ton ; Marquis Graham, Marquis and Marchioness of Tavistock, Marquis and Mar- chioness...


The Spectator

The Craven meeting commenced on Monday. The following are the runnings of each day. Monday, April 23. The Craven Stakes of 10 sovereigns each, 2 yrs. 6st. ; 3 yrs. 8st. 41b.;...

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A meeting of the Edinburgh Merchant Company took place on Saturday ; when a petition was unanimously agreed to the House of Peers, expressing the great satisfaction felt that...


The Spectator

Mr. Stanley said in the House of Commons, last week, that if the Irish members continued to interpret the Catholic oath as they seemed inclined, he would abandon the Irish...

The Dunfermline Political Union have unanimously resolved, " That in

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the event of the rejection or mutilation of the second Reform Bill by the House of Lords, this Union will contribute and assist in any plan for the attainment of Reform which...

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Lord Dalhousie, the Commander-in-Chief of the army in India, has

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just arrived in the Minerva, which sailed from Calcutta on the 7th January. His Lordship's health is stated to be much improved by the voyage. The Marquis of Hertford recently...

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FUNERALS AT PARIS.-A great many take place at night, and

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are lighted by torches to the place of rest. All the cemeteries are without the barriers, so that there is generally a long space of ground to traverse. The biers move in a line...

The Gazette of Tuesday contains an order of the Privy

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Council, empowering the Board of Health of the parish of Christchurch, Surry, to make application to any justice of the peace living in or near the parish, and requiring the...

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The Spectator

BIRTHS. On the 16th inst. at his house, No. 14, Lower Berkeley Street, the Lady of Lieut.- Col. Li NnsAY, of a son. On the 20th inst. at Croydon, Sorry, the Ludy of MATTHEW...


The Spectator

The Lord Bishop of St. David's has been pleased to collate, by commission. the Rev. A. 011ivant, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. and Vice-Principal of St....

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, 24th April.

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PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Rents:sem and RUSSELL, Queen Street Piave, attornies-at-law-D mimeses: and Knee, Gracechurch Street, at tornies-LOWMAN and LANGFoRD, Southampton,...


The Spectator

WAn-oretee, April 27.-17th Regt. of' Light Dragoons : Major II. Pratt, from the 4th Dragoon Guards, to . be Major, vice Burrowes, promoted-1st Regt. of Foot : W. Jones, Gent.,...


The Spectator

CAMBRIDGE. APRIL 27.-Lord Walpole, the eldest son of the Earl of' Orford, and the Honourable G. A. F. J. Murray, eldest son of Lord Glenlyon, are admitted of Trinity College.

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O'Coicsm.t. has suddenly thrown up his briefs, and quitted Dublin

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for London. The Evening Mail assigns a number of causes for a step which it considers to be strange, but does not pretend to know the true one. The latest accounts represent him...

The latest accounts from Paris, while stating the abatement of

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Cholera in the capital, describe its increasing ravages in the provinces. Accounts had reached Paris on Thursday, of its appearance in the de- partments of Seine et Marne, Seine...

SELLING a WIFE.—On the 7th instant, one of those whimsical

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sales, which arc not easily reconcileable to that English reverence for law of which we so often boast, took place at Lancaster. The man was a farmer in the neighbourhood ; the...


The Spectator

This gentleman has been charged, during the week, by Mr. Cobbett, with having said in a bookseller's shop in London, and in the hearing of a person of respectability, whose name...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.— Consols left off on Saturday at 85 3 fir ; Exchequer Bills at 12s. to 13s. premium. There has been very little business doing during the week,...


The Spectator

FRIDAY EVENING. The Eclipse, Davis, from London to the Cape, was totally lost on the 31st January. on the Island of Palma (Coast ofAfrica), and Wiu of the passengers drowned....


The Spectator

The Brussels Papers give a translation as well as the original text of the Austrian ratification. We give a sentence of the latter—which the Times of this moniing pronounces to...


The Spectator

New Cases. Deaths. Recoveries. .. 15 8 19 '20 9 92 4 6 11 5 1 9 3 3 10 8 6 6 There was no separate report for Good Friday. In the Country—in England there remain 24 cases,...

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A CORRESPONDENT at Worcester, who censures our advocacy of Colonel TORRENS'S proposal for a modified Property-tax—which, by the by, lie confounds with an income-tax—has favoured...


The Spectator

DR. BUR:4S, the Scotch clergyman whose address at Swallow Street Church we lately noticed, has a forthcoming motion in the Pres- bytery of Glasgow, condemnatory of Cabinet...


The Spectator

COMBINATIONS. AT the meeting of the Northern Political Union, held at New- castle-upon-Tyne some days ago, a Mr. FIFE declared, that if the Reform Bill were not passed in all...

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The Spectator

THE new play, brought out at Drury Lane on Thursday, and an- nounced for nightly repetition, is the production of Mr. SERLE, an intelligent actor of considerable talent, though...


The Spectator

THE sin of our ingratitude would lie heavy upon us, were we to pass by this opportunity of acknowledging the merits of that arch- magician, the real Prospero of the stage, Mr....

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The Spectator

WERE we to say all that might be said of the pleasures of sight-seeing in London, with a company of lively, lovely, laughing lasses, with tresses of all hues from golden to jet,...


The Spectator

THE selection at this concert, as usual, embraced several glees of living composers, chosen, apparently, not on account of their being well known, but rather because they ought...


The Spectator

Rossm's Elisabetta, Regina d' Inghilterra, was selected for the Mitt of Signora Toss on Tuesday night. Singers, under such circumstances, usually select parts the best adapted...

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The Spectator

Messrs. VIZETELLY and BRANSTON have put forth some elegant Gold Frame Tablets for mounting drawings upon, which, for taste in the design, and quiet richness of effect, are...


The Spectator

ADVENTVRES, Memoirs of Sir James Campbell, of Ardkinglas. Written by himself. 2 Vols. Colburn and Bentley, MYTHOLOGY, The Mytholo g y of the Hindus ; with Notices of various...

II. B.'s Mountain in Labour is as good in execution

The Spectator

as it is in its -qpplication to the Duke of Buckingham's "Little Bill." The bed seems actually inflated by the bulk of the portly Duke. Doctor Sid- mouth is appropriately...


The Spectator

THESE are the Memoirs of a man who saw pretty nearly as much of the world as falls to the lot of most enterprising mortals. In point of length of life, he was also greatly...

When, to gratify a private appetite, it is once resolved

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upon that an innocent and helpless creature shall be sacrificed, 'tis an easy matter to pick im sticks enough In any thicket through which it has strayed to male a fire to offer...

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The Spectator

MR. COLEMAN'S 211 ythology is an elaborate work, the fruit of - long study and experience, on a branch of learning which has strong claims upon the attention of this country. It...

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Is a pretty little book, only it wants brains. It is a proof—but proof was not wanting—that a man may write one clever thing, and yet be forevermore incapable of good. The...

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The Spectator

THIS is an extravagant romance after the old school : the incidents are violent, and the passions are all in the superlative degree—ex- treme, but at the same time lasting. For...


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THE author of this alarming volume has baptized it " Extraordi- nary"—andjustly so : for it exhibits an extraordinary picture of the social state of England; the facts it...

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The Spectator

THE last, and perhaps never-conquered obstacle to the perfect speaking or writing of French, is that of gender. We believe no Englishman even affects to be invariably certain of...


The Spectator

FOUND HERE AND THERE. PRESENT OF GILT GAME.—Sir James Campbell, while a detenu in France, during the Imperial sway, was favoured with the privilege of shooting over Fouche's...


The Spectator

WE have long wanted a compendium of the practical duties of religion,—a book which we could not only put into the hands of our servants and children, but which we ourselves...

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The Spectator

27th April 1932. Six-Among the numerous and varied publications which daily issue from our press, it cannot be matter of surprise that erroneous statements, even in that class...