[TO THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPICCTAT011.1 Sia,—May I be allowed to make a suggestion with regard to the sale of White's house at Selborne ? Your correspondent in the Spectator of August 23rd proposes, if I remember rightly, that the Selborne Society should buy the house, to be
used as their museum, with a view to ensuring it against further alterations. Would it not be possible for the Society to buy the house and let it, making it a condition that the tenant should respect its historic features, and do nothing to spoil the beauty of house or garden ? By this means it would prove a source of income to the Society, and yet remain a dwelling-house as in White's time. It seems to me a pity to formalise it into a museum if it can be avoided; and the house is undoubtedly more suited to private residence. Besides, a museum would be better appreciated in some place where it could be more generally visited, if the Selborne Society thought of founding one.—I am, Sir, &c., ALICE ROSCOE.