A Public Meeting, Summoned By The Lord Mayor Of Dublin,
Mr. T. Harrington, M.P., was held at the Mansion House on Friday week to protest against the proclaiming of the city under the Crimes Act. Mr. Harrington appealed to the......
Turning From His Indictment Of National Inefficiency And...
his own special branch of study, Professor Dewar summarised the present position in regard to low- temperature research and the attainment of absolute zero. They had got down to......
An Important List Of Army Corps Appointments Was Pub- Lished
by the War Office on Friday. General Sir John French is to assume command of the First Army Corps on Septem- ber 15th, and Major-Generals A. H. Paget and Sir Bruce Hamilton are......
We Note With Much Satisfaction The Announcement Made On...
by Mr. Mark Mayhew, Vice-Chairman of the Auto- mobile Club of Great Britain. Mr. Mayhew, who is a Lieutenant of the Middlesex Imperial Yeomanry, has sub- mitted to the Secretary......
An Important Letter From Lord Milner Was Read At A
meeting of Jews in Johannesburg on Sunday last. By way of eorrecting any misunderstanding, Lord Milner declared that whatever might be the conditions of naturalisation laid down......
The Death Of Mr. Philip James Bailey, The Author Of
" Festus," in his eighty-seventh year, was announced on Mon- day. " Festus " was published as far back as 1839, and the rest of the author's long life was practically devoted to......
The Meeting Of The British Association Opened On Tuesday At
Belfast. Professor Dewar, the new President, prefaced his address with a tribute to his late colleague, Sir Frederick Abel, and in congratulating the King on his recovery,......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (21-) Were On
Friday 93f.......