A Royal Residence For Wales.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR.") SrE,—In the recent shuffle of Royal residences—the palatial game of "general post" which naturally follows the demise of the crown—no very......
" Contentio Veritatis."
[TO TUB EDITOR OP THE "SPERTATOR.1 Sin,—Surely the clue to the title which has puzzled your reviewer in the Spectator of September 6th is to be found in the Vulgate of S. Jude 3......
[to Tie Editor Op Tile " Spectator.")
Sin,—At the conclusion of your review of " Contentio Veri- tatis " in the Spectator of September 6th I notice that you are inclined to doubt the statement that "the decline in......
[to The Editor Op The Spectltor.1
Stn,—The amount required (2400,000 annually as we are told) to raise all..the benefices of the Church of England up to 2200 per annum seems to paralyse the efforts of many who......