The Beginnings Of An Australian National Character.
(To THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Though naturally gratified by your very kindly notice in the Spectator of September 6th of my paper on this subject in the current......
[to Tie Editor Op Tile " Spectator.")
Sin,—At the conclusion of your review of " Contentio Veri- tatis " in the Spectator of September 6th I notice that you are inclined to doubt the statement that "the decline in......
Gilbert White's House At Selbornr
[TO THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPICCTAT011.1 Sia,—May I be allowed to make a suggestion with regard to the sale of White's house at Selborne ? Your correspondent in the Spectator of......
An Historical Truth Society.
[To THR EDITOR OF TRH "SPRCTILTOR.1 Sr,—Mr. G. G. Coulton in the Spectator of August 30th states that "the formation [in 1884] of a Catholic Truth Society ' " (and other bodies......
Not Wanted.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THR "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—As one who entirely appreciates the work of the Expan- sion Committee in assisting the emigration of women from Britain to South Africa,......
Our Strange Language.
(TO TUE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sra,—The pronunciation by early Anglo-Indians of the long Hindustani " a " like " aw " was probably learnt from the Persians or......
The Teaching Of Girls In South Africa.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—May I occupy a little of your space to comment on some remarks made by a correspondent in your issue of July 12th, who wrote concerning......