[to Ter Editor Of The "spectator.1
crave your indulgence to allow a layman a little space in your columns to make a plea on behalf of his national Church. Just now the cry throughout the country is for......
[to The Editor Op Ter "spectator."1
think all readers of the Spectator who take an intelli- gent interest in the welfare of the Church of England will be grateful to you for the suggestive article in your issue of......
Letters To The Editor.
THE POVERTY OF THE CLERGY. [TO THE EDITOR Of THE *SPECTATOR-1 SIII,—Neither of the clergy who have written to the Spectator of September 6th in answer to your article on the......
[to The Editor Op The Spectltor.1
Stn,—The amount required (2400,000 annually as we are told) to raise all..the benefices of the Church of England up to 2200 per annum seems to paralyse the efforts of many who......