Professor Virchow, The Most Distinguished Of German Men...
and one of her most distinguished politicians, passed away on September 5th in the eighty-first year of his age. His theory of cellular pathology gave a new and solid foundation......
An Important Letter From Lord Milner Was Read At A
meeting of Jews in Johannesburg on Sunday last. By way of eorrecting any misunderstanding, Lord Milner declared that whatever might be the conditions of naturalisation laid down......
The French Military Manceuvres Ended On Tuesday, And The...
operations opened on the same day. The former have been freely criticised by General Negiier (the author of the article on the Boer War translated in the current Contemporary),......
The Times Correspondent In Paris Makes A Great Deal Of
the dismissal by the French Government of the Marquis de Monte- bello, Ambassador at St. Petersburg. The causes appear to have been the favour shown by the Marquis to General......
Lord Curzon Made On September 4th An Effective Speech In
Council on the magnificent Durbar which is to be held on January 1st, 1903, at Delhi. At this ceremonial all the Princes of India, and, we hope, the magnates of our own......
The Very Decided Action Of The . German Cruiser Off Haiti
is no violation of the Monroe doctrine, and will perhaps, on the whole, give a needed warning to American revolutionaries ; but it will also, we think, quicken the impression......
The Treaty With China Arranged By Sir James Mackay Was
signed at Pekin on September 5th. Signature had been delayed by the fear of the Imperial Government that under its clauses none of the surtax would be remitted to Pekin; but......