Yews Of The Week.
T HE promised interview between Mr. Chamberlain and the Boer delegates took place on Friday week, and the minutes of the Conference were published on Wednesday. It was, it......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times, In A Long Telegram
published on Thursday, pointedly draws attention to the coming rapprochement between France and Spain. The latter Power is seeking for a great ally, and an invitation to the......
The Prayers Of The Generals When Finally Admitted Were For
more complete amnesty ; for exemption in all cases from the oath of allegiance, a mere declaration being substituted ; for the treatment of foreigners as if they had been......
The Times Correspondent In Paris Makes A Great Deal Of
the dismissal by the French Government of the Marquis de Monte- bello, Ambassador at St. Petersburg. The causes appear to have been the favour shown by the Marquis to General......
The French Government Has Another Serious Internal Dn....
overcome. Colonel de Saint Remy, being ordered to assist in carrying out the ejection of some nuns under the new law on Associations, pleaded conscientious scruples, and refused......