Greater European Governments. By A. Lawrence Lowell. (H. Milford. 6s.
6d. net.)—The President of Harvard in this book has abridged his well-known works on British and European Governments, and has revised the text so as to incorporate the new Franchise Act and other recent changes without attempting to discuss the abnormal conditions brought about by the war. It is a very useful and trustworthy handbook to the adminis- trative systems of Great Britain, France, and Italy, and of Germany and Austria-Hungary as they were in 1914. The author remarks on " the passing of political power from the House of Commons to the people," and commends the custom
of debating large issues in public speeches :— •
" As in the Athenian democracy the citizens witness a constant struggle among rival statesmen for supremacy, but in England they are merely. spectators until a general election summons them to give their verdict. One can hardly conceive of a system better calculated to stimulate interest in politics without instability ill the government."