The Labour Party And The Dissentient Liberals Attacked...
Military Service Bill on its second reading in the House of Commons on Thursday week. Captain Guest stated plainly the reasons which have impelled the Government to ask......
The Most Important And Encouraging Evidence Yet Given Was...
of Sir Richard Redmayne, the Chief Ir.spector of Mines ; on Tuesday. He declared that the immediate reduction of the miners nominal day from eight hours to six would mean a......
Miners' Representatives That, While They Have Continually...
figures in support of their case, they objected most vehemently to the returns submitted by the collieries through the Mining Association. Presumably they did not want the......
Sir Nevil Macready, The New Commissioner Of Metropolitan...
the fullest support in his refusal to be hectored by the Police Union's officials, acting in the guise of a Repre- sentative Board. It may be hoped that the Home Secretary will......
It Came Out At A Conference Of Co-operators And Trade
Union- ists last week that the Government had asked the two bodies to take over the national shipyards. After all that we have heard of late about Labour's desire to control......
Mr. Montagu, At A Dinner To Lord Shiba Oil Friday
week ' made the grudging admission that the new Indian reform scheme would, after all, probably invoke communal repre- sentation. He described it as au " unfortunate expedient,"......
The Wholly Abnormal Condition Of The Coal Industryunder...
for war purposes has been illustrated in various ways. But no single fact given in evidence has impressed us more than the Admiralty's statement that it was forced by the Coal......
The Bitter Rivalry Existing Between Trade Unions Was...
anew in the case of " Valentine v. Hyde and Howard" in the Chancery Court last week. The plaintiff, a man of sixty- one, had been employed for twenty-four years at the Bridge-......
The Coal Commission Has .sat Daily And Has Heard Evidence
ranging over a wide field. The miners representatives have set themselves to confuse the issue by irrelevant appeals to political passion and sentiment. Whenever an employer or......
The Commission Was Repeatedly Reminded Of The Existence...
competition, much to the annoyance of the miners' advocates, who like to pretend that Great Britain has no rivals in the world's markets. Mr. B. Talbot, for the iron and steel......