The Labour Party And The Dissentient Liberals Attacked...
Military Service Bill on its second reading in the House of Commons on Thursday week. Captain Guest stated plainly the reasons which have impelled the Government to ask......
The Elections For The London County Council On Thursday Week
gave the Moderate or Municipal Reform Party a new lease of power. The redistribution of the London boroughs has increased the elected membershipof the Council from 118 to 124.......
A Serious Riot Occurred On Tuesday And Wednesday Week Among
the Canadian troops quartered at 'Unmet Park, nem RhyL The men are awaiting ships to take them home, and an naturally impatient at the delays which have occurred for want of......
Mr. Long Introduced The Naval Estimates On Wednesday With A
well-deserved tribute to the magnificent work of the Navy in this war. He explained that the Admiralty could not deter- mine its future policy until the Peace Conference had......
Sir Auckland Geddes In The House Of Commons On Monday
explained, on behalf of Sir Albert Stanley, who is ill, the Govern. ment's policy in regard to trade. Goods from any part of the Empire and all raw materials could be imported......
We Are Very Glad To See That Dr. Harmer, The
distinguished zoologist, has been appointed Director of the Natural History Museum. The scientific world had been much exercised by ■ report that a lay official was to receive......
The Rent Restrictions Bill Was Amended In Committee Of The
House of Commons on Tuesday so as to apply to houses rented up to £70 in London and up to £52 in the country. The period during which the Bill will operate was extended to Lady......
1133; The Huge Airship With Which The Admiralty Is Expected
to attempt the Atlantic flight later in the year, made an excellent trial trip on Thursday week from the Barlow Aviation Wodu in Yorkshire. The opening of the shed doors—each of......
Mr. Boner Law Told The House Of Commons On Monday,
m reply to a question, that he was communicating with the Prime Minister in regard to the construction of the Channel TunneL This reply convoyed nothing to the ordinary mind.......